Sunday, July 13, 2014

The One Thing I Can't Live Without

Hey Loves,

Happy Sunday!  I'm prepping for a big big week over here--3 interviews!!  2 demo lessons and 1 first round interview.  I'm very excited and very ready.  Ready to give my lessons, ready to get a big girl job, ready to become a full grown adult!  On top of that I have some pretty awesome things on the horizon.

Monday-Bachelorette with Cait!  Who is gonna own the Fantasy Suite?!  I don't know but she seems to have caaaraaazy chemistry with Josh!  He is yummy.  My favorite is Farmer Chris!  Isn't he just hot?!  And his clothes are perfect!  I died a small cuteness overload death when he wore that one button sweater a few weeks ago.  Yummy!

Tuesday-Pool lounging with Jess.  Then some Zumba and Pilates!  Plus a demo lesson...

Wednesday-Beach Cruisin' with Ra and Jess!!  Plus a demo lesson...

Thursday-Bruno Mars with Deb and some of our friends!  Plus a first round interview!!

Friday-Pool Day!

Saturday-Fighting Phils game with my dad

Sunday-Deb's Birthday!

Ok, so today's post is supposed to be the one thing that I can't live without.  That would be my MacBook Pro.  I love this computer--even if I have moderate feelings about Apple.  I love my computer for many reasons.

How do I love thee, let me count the ways,
I love thee because your fast internet,
My soul can reach and post pix of my pet,
For the friends and family I can reach,
From my Facebook page, I can talk to each.
I can order anything, you can bet.
From books, to clothes, to a pink child's tea set.
I can order you a cover in peach,
I can purchase myself country music,
Or look at pix from my trip to the beach.
Or locate my iPhone should I lose it.
I can practice Pilates on YouTube,
I can write about my life and blog it.
See, Mackenna Graye*, I so do love you

*My computer's name is Mackenna Graye because my Mac book is gray...get it, get it?  Corny?  Yep!!

I couldn't live without my computer.  I love her because she lets me write, listen to music, choreograph, apply for jobs, communicate with my friends and family.  I can also squeeze in a workout when I can't get to the gym!  She's perfect!



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