Friday, July 31, 2015

Friday Faves

Happy Friday!!

How is everyone today?  Any fun weekend plans?  I'm super busy (just the way I like it) with a wine tasting today (!), a Phillies game, a hair cut (#holyroots), Rascal Flatts concert, and a beach day!

As in true Friday fashion I'm going to share some of my favorite things from the week!

Amanda's Bridal Shower Cake!

So much talent!

Chocolate chip cake with delicious fondant frosting

Greek Salad!  Ever since Sam's wedding last year I developed a love affair with Greek salad.  I never liked olives until last year.  (Sam's wedding had these delicious appetizers called Greek Salad Spoons which were soup spoons with a mouthful of Greek salad.  It was a flavor explosion and I've been hooked ever since)

This Greek salad has the usual:  greens, olives, red and orange tomatoes, cucumbers, and goat cheese instead of feta.  BUT we added some avocado and a homemade lemon vinaigrette.  DALISH!  I also added a piece of Moroccan lemon herb chicken for some added protein.  I went to bed with salad dreams about this lunch.  I even wrote a note on the fridge to ask mia familia to save me some salad :)


 This Peach and goat cheese pizza from THIS site.  It's the perfect blend of sweet Jersey peaches and tangy goat cheese!

These Target Buckets!  $1 a piece!  Target for the WIN!  New writing center here I come!

Pineapple!  All of the pineapple!

Bachelorette Viewing Party!  Love these girls!  We even roped in Deb!

THIS!  ALL OF THIS!  Jenna Fisher aka Pam Halpert posted this on IG today and my Office  loving heart melted a million times over.  She uses a Dunder Mifflin mug!  Lurve :)
Pam Halpert 4Ever

Thomas Rhett's new song!  I heard it last week at the FGL concert and was hooked!  It hasn't been officially released yet so I had to hunt around on youtube to find it.  But just tell me that your heart doesn't smile when you hear this song!  He wrote it for his wife because she asked him to write something that was like Tim McGraw's Just To See You Smile and not another song about beer.

Give it a listen and I'm sure you'll be hooked and desperately creeping on iTunes waiting anxiously for its release!

TR's new song

Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Making The Team 10.  Thank you IG for letting me know that there were marathons of past seasons.  While watching said marathons, I found out that the new seasons is starting August 6 at 11 on CMT!

Have a great weekend!



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