So I think it's safe to say that the holiday season is upon us! And Black Friday is just two days away!! EEK! Who's ready?? Well I'm going to give you some Black Friday tips and tricks to stay sane! Take it from a Jersey Girl (so you know that this is legit) who has seen more than her fair share of Black Friday FailWhales and Fantasies come true. My first Black Friday Survival Tip is:
- Have A Game Plan-Just like in life if you don't know what you're looking for, you will wander aimlessly. And let's be frank, while I get that not all that wander are lost...MOST are! You need a plan people! Here is my plan. While I love me a deal, I also believe that Thanksgiving is a time to be with the ones you love. Stores shouldn't be open on Thanksgiving. It's just not right. Thanksgiving is for eating with your family and drinking bubbly with your Lovies. So I will be at the mall at midnight. So here's my guide for making a plan.
- Know What You Are Going To Buy. I always buy things for myself on Black Friday. No, not because I'm self-centered, but because usually I have all of my Christmas ideas for my loves in my head and will pick them up when the sales really increase so I can get more bang for my buck. Ok, so I want this sweater from Gap. Isn't it cute, cozy, and cuddly? Yes, yes, yes. It's being fitted into a fabulous outfit I'm cooking up for an upcoming holiday trip. I'm gonna do navy blue.
So cute and versatile! I can wear it by it's self with jeans for a casual day or with work pants for a festive but professional look. (Also good for public school where you can't wear your beloved Santa Accessories...tears)
My third buy is going to be a leopard print scarf. GASP! A Jersey Girl without a leopard scarf? Be still my beating heart. Just kidding! I own one, but it's more of an outdoorsy scarf and I need a more drapey every day one. You know? I don't have a pic because I'm gonna find a cheap one somewhere. Maybe Charming Charlie's?
My final buy will be emerald earrings! Aren't they fab and festive?!! I love love love emeralds and I realized I don't have any emeralds. Why? Oh because last Black Friday they sold out!! NOT COOL MACY'S NOT COOL! I'm still looking for a great pair/style/size.
- Have A Budget. As a grad student who is working as a sub and saving every penny for her student teaching semester I have about a $100 budget for Black Friday. I am going to leave the plastic at home on Friday! By having a budget you will feel more in control of your shopping and life in general. Take it from a reformed Spendthrift Suzie...budgets are the way to go folks!
- Have A Time Table. I know that I want to be out of the mall by 2 am because a) I need sleep b) I have a jam packed Friday! c) I will waste money if I'm wandering around being overstimulated by sales. Just not a great place for a recovering shopaholic.
- Have A Game Plan. I know that I will first hit up the department store to get my earrings. I will then head down to Gap followed by Old Navy. I will then probably go look around for my scarf quickly but if I don't find anything I'll go home, sleep, try again in a few hours at an accessories store like Charming Charlie's.
- Pre-Shop. I can't stress this enough. People think I'm crazy for doing this but I do it! On Wednesday, aka Thanksgiving Eve, I will go to the mall and walk around and get a feel for my size (cuts shopping time 60%), how the item looks (I can't stress how important this is. Not everything I want looks cute on me. And that my friends is why God invented dressing rooms. This way I can know before hand if I want to use my budgeted cash on it or if I want to find something new to buy), and most importantly WHERE THE GOODIES ARE! I think this is the most important. Geography! On Black Friday efficiency is your best friend. Know where the desired sweater is. Chances are that if you go to the mall on Wednesday the item will still be in the same place when you return 36 hours later. On Game Day, you can find it quickly and since you have already tried it on you can just bounce straight to the ever growing check out line.
- Take Someone Else You Shops On Your Level. This is probably the fourth most important survival guide (Budget, Plan, Pre-Shop in that order). This is not Dane Cook's B&E. Don't take someone who doesn't want to be there. I love my mom but she is NOT my shopping spirit animal. She is a great person to take a lovely leisurely Sunday shopping stroll with, not the girl you want in the trenches with you. Take a friend, take your dad, take a sibling. Know your people. Side note, this is probably not the best time to introduce your Significant Other to the wildly combative warrior that is you on Black Friday. You better be on a whole new level of commitment before you show him this side of your crazy. I'm talking you've already shown him you sans makeup, you watching sports, you eating wings, you ugly crying because your jeans don't fit, you getting lost, a temper tantrum over something mundane, you during grad school, you in sweats, you with roots...ALL things that are you at your lowest. Then maybe, after marriage, joint bank accounts, a few kids, and vacations you introduce him to Black Friday you. Never before! You're welcome for this little tidbit of advice. Also, don't take anyone who utters the phrase, "I don't even know why people go Black Friday shopping. I mean, the best deals aren't even on Black Friday..." This person isn't your Black Friday Significant Shopping Other. This is a person who you maybe take with you to get your lamp rewired. Not a shopping buddy.
- Shopping Outfit. This is a very important (vain albeit) aspect of your Black Friday shopping experience. I wear the same thing every year. Mall outfits are hard because it's -5353646 degrees outside but 10000000 degrees inside. Add that high temp to the 2000 people at the mall and you are walking into an inferno people. I suggest this outfit. Black turtle neck, down vest, jeans, and Uggs. This way you stay warm but you have mobility. This is a great combo. No heels ladies, come on. We need full foot function to turn on a dime, run, f
ight someone who stole your deal, wait patiently in line, and remember it is going to be late and you're going to be carrying a few extra lbs from that dalish dinner you just enjoyed--not a stellar heels combo.
So I hope this helps you enjoy one of my favorite holidays of all time! Also I want to thank Smartphones because now I can stand in line with my phone and Pin, Tweet, Text, Facebook all my friends and deals! Curing boredom since 2009! So happy hunting!
Do you guys have any cool tricks or tips for surviving Black Friday??!!
Happy Shopping!
P.S. Here's a video of me doing my Black Friday shopping!! (Okay, it's not really me, but I think we can all attest that she is my Black Friday spirit animal) (gap sweater) (old navy top)