Saturday, August 30, 2014

My New Big Girl Job!

Happy Labor Day Weekend Everybody!

How are you doing?  I'm doing super fabulously well because...drum roll please...


I'm going to be an elementary school resource room teacher!  After 27 Dresses interviews I am so excited to begin this new chapter in my life!  Because I am a special education teacher, there will be zero information regarding my students, my school, and/or other professional mentions on the blog.  I try to be honest here, but due to the sensitivity of my job, I legally and personally feel that I must respect the anonymity of my students.

Does that mean I won't brag about what a wonderful job I have?  Kale no!  I think teaching is the greatest profession and therefore I will still cheer on my fellow teachers and share my feelings about teaching in general here on the bloggy.

Let me tell you, the teacher-interview process is grueling.  It was 3 months (I am extremely blessed to have found a job as quickly as I did--to all my friends who are still looking for teaching positions, good luck!  Your class and kids are out there!) of rejection, money, praying, and hard work.  At one point, I went on 4 interviews in 3 days!!

I consider myself extremely blessed that I was even able to go on as many interviews as I did.  The educational climate has shifted significantly over the past few years in this country.  As a side effect, jobs have been cut by the thousands.  It's rough out there.  Sometimes I think it would be easier to win an Academy Award than become a teacher, especially in NJ!  I felt privileged to have been granted this many opportunities and believe me I never took one of them for granted.  Here are a list of interviews I went on:

1. 6th Grade Inclusion-1st round interview was during Educational Interview Days at TCNJ.  I was called in for a second interview, then a demo lesson on Close Reading, then I was offered the position.  I turned it down because my heart wasn't in it.  I knew that I couldn't take this job if my heart wasn't 100% in it.  I turned it down and risked a whole bunch for it.

2. HS Multiple Disabilities Class-1st round interview during Educational Interview Days at TCNJ.  I think both the interviewer and I knew this wasn't the job for me.

3. Variety of special education positions-1st round interview was during Educational Interview Days at TCNJ.  This position was over an hour away so I wasn't  too upset that I didn't get this job.

4. Variety of general education positions-1st round interview at a job fair.  2nd round interview with a principal and 3 teachers.  3rd round interview with all of the elementary principals in the district.  4th round interview with the superintendent.  This position was a dream job.  I would have loved it.  When I didn't get this job I was devastated.  I cried for a very long time and felt like a huge loser.  I also began to regret turning down the job in District 1.

5. Variety of special education positions-1st round of interviews with a principal, director of curriculum, and a teacher.  2nd round of interviews consisted of a demo lesson on guided reading.  I was sad that I didn't get this position.  I was actually called in to interview for another position later in August, but I had already accepted a position in my district.

6. Variety of general education position-1st round interviews with a principal and curriculum director.  2nd round interview was a demo lesson on Fact vs. Fiction.  I was very upset when I didn't get this position because it came a week after I was rejected from 2 other districts.

7. Special education long term sub-1st round interview.  Offered position after I already accepted my current position.

8. Variety of special education and general education positions-1st round interview with principal and vice principal.  2nd round interview was with principal, vp, special ed supervisor, and a teacher.  3rd round interview was a demo lesson on introducing a novel.  This job I wanted very very very badly!  I was crushed when I didn't get it.  I probably cried more than I've ever cried over anything or anyone.  I don't think I left my house all that much.  Deb yelled at me to pull myself together and that if I was going to give up, I didn't deserve it anyone.  She's real big on tough love when you just want to be coddled.

9.  Variety of special education positions-1st round interview was with a few principals, curriculum director, and director of special education.  2nd round interview was a demo lesson on making connections to literature.

10.  Variety of special education positions-1st round interview was a phone interview with a principal.  2nd round interview was an interview with all of the elementary school principals.  I did not make it to the 3rd or 4th round interviews, but was called back in for an interview the day after I accepted my current position.

11. MD reading class-1st round interview was scheduled after I already had my current job.  I turned them down.

12. Resource room position at my dream school.  1st round interview was with 2 principals, a teacher, and a special education supervisor.  2nd round interview was a phonics demo lesson on blends.  I ended up hearing back that same day that I got the job.  I received that call on my way to the gym and as soon as I pulled in I called the principal back.  She told me I got the job and I  probably cried for over an hour and had the best workout of my life.  I had to interview with the superintendent and then I signed my contract and got my job!

My life was crazy, but I'm glad it was such an emotional roller coaster.  The process made me extremely grateful and humble.  I know that I worked myself harder than I ever have in my life.  I was pushed to the brink emotionally and psychologically.  It made me tougher and quicker on my feet.  I am so appreciative of this position and it will make me work even harder.

Every week you're getting rejected, interviewed, passed over, and picked apart.  You could interview well and have a killer demo lesson, but the district may have a long term sub, student teacher, or a para who has put in more time than you.  Interviewing for a teaching job is kind of like going on a whole bunch of dates.  Sometimes you get called back, sometimes they break up with you, and sometimes, if you're very lucky, they choose you and you get to live happily ever after.

If you know someone who is currently interviewing for a teaching position give them a big hug and let them vent.  This is an extremely competitive and stressful time in education.  If you have a teaching job, remember to be grateful for ti.  Remember that there are 1,000s of people out there who would gladly take your spot in a heartbeat.  Remember the rejections.  Remember the triumphs.  Remember the sense of accomplishments.  Remember to be tough and don't let this get you down.  Even though it will get you down and crush your soul.  Remember that everything happens for a reason.  If I had taken the first job, I would have missed out on my current job.  I'm so glad I didn't get job #4 because even though it was everything I would have ever wanted then, it has nothing on my current job.  I'm elated, blessed, and grateful to be in the position I am in now.

....Did I mention the best part of my new job??  I'm working down the hall from...


MY DEB!  Yup, I get to work down the hall from my momma.  I'm going to write a post about what it's like to work with your mom in a few weeks. 

Gotta run and prep my classroom!  Enjoy your weekend and be safe!

Love Love Love,


Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Happy Hump Day!

I am knee deep in New Teacher Orientation over here.  It's exhausting, but I'm so happy.  I just kinda walk around with a permanent grin on my face.  I'll do a job recap tomorrow.  Today I compiled a list of confessions for you.

I am a country music snob.  If you just like a few Luke Bryan songs and claim to be a country fan...shade I'm throwing at you.


I'm not loving Taylor Swift's new song.  ^^^^I 'm a country music fan and I don't love when people stray away from the genre that built them.

TJMAXX is like a hypnotic wheel that sucks me in and forces me to spend more money than I should. I bought an entire new workout outfit (and a Ralph Lauren tee shirt).  I had to buy all four pieces (sports bra (gorgeous one with flowers!), a tank top, and a pair of cute striped leggins) and the RL t-shirt.  It was only $43 for all pieces!!


I just found out that Panera has whole grain bread?!  How did I just figure this out?  The bread is delicious!


I cry during Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Making the Squad.  I've watched this show all 9 seasons and I can't get enough of it.  I danced and cheered my whole life and I know how good it feels to finally make a team or accomplish a dream in the world of dance.  Since I've watched for so long I love seeing all of the ladies make the team.  I cried a few times thus far (2 episodes) because ladies who didn't make the team last year came back and tried again.  They made it to training camp this year!!  I get emotionally invested in the show, the girls, and their stories.  I also know that I can't wait for Friday nights at 9.  I've had to DVR the past few episodes because I have super cool life things to do to get ready for school.  Also, Melissa Rycroft is back and she's the best!  I knew about her before The Bachelor.  Yes, I bragged about it <3


The term business casual confuses me.  This year I have new teacher training and the invitation says attire is business casual.  What is business casual?!  Business casual means something different to every single human being. I'm wearing a dress and a sweater.  This is one of those many times where I think guys have it easier.  Business casual for a guy?  Khakis, polo, belt, and a watch.  Done.  Simple as that.  For women?  All options have problematic offshoots.

If I wear a dress/skirt

  • Is it long enough?
  • Is the neck high enough?
  • If the dress is sleeveless and this is a more conservative crowd, should I wear a sweater?
  • What if I sit down?  Does the dress cover everything?
  • Is this dress/skirt too tight?
If I wear pants

  • Can I wear crops?  It is the summer?  Is that not appropriate?
  • What kind of shirt should I wear with them?
  • Is colored denim appropriate?
  • Is dark colored denim appropriate?
  • Are these pants too tight?
  • Are skinny style pants appropriate?
  • Is this shirt high enough?
  • If I get sweaty will it show?
  • Is it going to be cold?
  • Should I wear a sweater?
  • Is a fitted non descript, non logo bearing, tee shirt acceptable?
  • Do I wear heels?
  • Maybe flats?
  • Am I going to be on my feet a lot? 
  • Are these too fancy?
  • Are these too plain?

The fundamental problem with business casual lies in the obscure oversimplification of the term casual.  Am I overdressed?  Am I underdressed?  The questions just keep going on and on and on.


I hate male metabolism.  Let me paint you a little picture: breakfast time, Dylan, and me.  Dylan's breakfast:  1 omelet, 2 bagels and cream cheeses, a cinnamon roll, OJ (not Simpson), and yogurt.  Me:  turkey sausage and a Kashi bar.  Dylan at the beach 6 hours later:  6 pack.  Me on the beach 6 hours later: no 6 pack.  I eat multiple salads a day and workout 6 days a week.  I limit my sugar, alcohol, and junk food intake and I still don't have a 6 pack.  Guys have it so much easier.  Women's bodies are designed to hold onto fat--grrrrrr.


I loathe the #Idon'tneedfeminism Tumblr.  What are they thinking?  These are what we call, uninformed women.  Repeat after me, Feminists don't hate men.  The goal of feminism is not to obliterate the world of men and rise up as womenbots who are taking over the world.  Feminists want equality for all people.  Feminists gave us the right to vote, Title IX, birth control, maternity/paternity leave, and the list goes on and on.  The world needs Feminism.  Feminism is not only an American venture--the goal is a global Feminism.  Women in other parts of the world are not as lucky as us.  Women live in fear for their lives everyday.  Women are afraid to be educated, they don't have the right to divorce abusive husbands, they don't have autonomy.  These are basic human rights.  I'm going to do a #Ineedfeminism post a la Glamour magazine's editors and celebs.

Here is a link to the photos!  I Do Need Feminism Glamour

I love Ariana Grande's music.  I don't care if she had the most annoying speaking voice of any Disney Channel show to ever find itself on the air.  1 Less Problem and Break Free are excellent jams!  I use them to pump me up when I am training for my half marathon.


So I hope you all have a great day!  I'm almost done my training now.  

Cya soon,


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Sunny and 75

Happy Saturday!

How's your weekend going?!  Mine is awesome so far!

I'll do a Lukey recap tomorrow but today we're going to chat about Cape Cod Day 2.

It has been about 75 degrees this whole week!  Perfect for walking around...ok for the beach.  Cape Cod is beautiful, the food is delish, and the fact that they have dairy free ice cream rocks my sox off.  What they don't have?  Anything to do at night.  The concierge told us that "star gazing" was one of the top things to do at night.

I'm not saying I'm a super cool girl who goes out every night, but star gazing is not something to do at night.  I was hoping to walk around a cute downtown, minicity, or boardwalk.  Nada folks.  Since Dylan is only 20, we really can't go to bars or anything...which is ok because I'm not sure how I feel about family bar nights?  Kinda seems like a weird jump from Family Game Nights?  Soamiwrong?  Does anyone do family bar nights?  Will we do family bar nights once Dylan is 21?  Only time will tell!

So back to the day...

We beached it up at Sea Gull beach.  There are no waves here so that was strange for this Jersey girl.  But there was chick lit.

Is anyone else reading this?  I'm creeped out!  I shkeeved during this book and had to put it down a few times.  After a few hours on the beach we decided to drive down to Provincetown.  It was ehhh.  The traffic made the usual 40 minute drive a grueling 2 hour drive both ways.  It was so crowded that we drove down and turned right around.  Yup, 4 hours for nothing folks.  We were all starving and once we reached Captain Parker's I devoured more clam chowdah (I preferred The Skipper's chowdah) and then munch 4/5 of this shrimp teriyaki stir fry. It was just ok.  Wayyyyy too much sauce and the shrimp had a weird skin thing on them.  I didn't love it.  The veggies were amazing though!

After dinner we hit up Katie's for dairy free ice-cream!  So.Stinking.Good!  I'll definitely be hitting up Wegman's for some dairy free ice cream!  

When we got back to the hotel I ate 2 warm chocolate chip cookies and we called it a night.  I've been very good about hitting the gym everyday on vacation.  Even though we're walking all day I find it helps me calm down and clear my head. I also am a huge fan of weight training and love to lift!

Tomorrow we will be checking out and hitting our final port...Newport, Rhode Island!



Friday, August 15, 2014

Lobstah and Chowdah

Happy Friday!!  I hope y'all are having a blasty blast on this Friday!

Tonight Jess, Kate, and I are going to shake it for Lukeybear and munch at some goodies from Xfinity Live!  I foresee some Chickie's and Pete's Crab Fries in my future.  Nomnomnom!

This was a travel day aka we spent 2 hours in a car driving from Boston to Cape Cod.  Not a horrible drive...if you were me watching Real Housewives of NJ DVDs.  hee hee, I know how to pass long car rides because of our frequent trips to JMU.  Before we left Boston, we hit up Fenway Park home of the World Series Champion Red Sox.  I'm a Phillies fan at heart because I'm awesome they're our hometown team but seeing the Red Sox stadium was super awesome!  My dad calls it The Vatican of Baseball.  I think that makes Ted WIlliams the Pope, but I'm not so sure ;)

Fenway is America's oldest ballpark 

The Red Sox championship banners
My dad explaining the importance of Fenway Park to an unamused Deb
Deb quote of the day, "I'm getting a shirt that says, If my kid isn't playing then I don't care what is happening!" Ahh, the sports fan!

Yawkey Way
Dad standing in front of the Fenway Park sign

Then we had some fun in the gift shop...
So much no about this 

I pouted over the Phils losing The Flyin' Hawaiian
Jeter shirt in a Fenway shop?!
Maybe world peace is more than a childhood daydream and
something wished for by beauty pageant contestants...

Deb posing with a salt and pepper shaker that is really a bottle opener...
Those aren't the same...
Close up of Salt & Pepper shaker/bottle opener

Maybe this confusion is a reason why the Sox suck this season...

Outside shots of Fenway

Boys with the championship banners

Glove seat...get it?  Like a love seat...I crack myself up

Boys have a combined total of 20 Red Sox shirts and neither of them wore anything Red Sox
I'm wearing green to support The Green Monster :)
(And pink to support Lilly Pulitzer :)

I think this boy is being knighted at the Vatican lol

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Padre with Yawkey Way sign
So now to recap Day 4 of our vacay!  We went to Cape Cod...

It was ugly  (JK, view from lunch)

Lunch was gross, too ;)
Best New England clam chowder ever!
I love the accents of the native New Englanders.  It's so cute!!  Chowdah and lobstah!

Can you even take how ugly this is?!
This is the best salad I've ever had!  
Lunch was devoured at The Skipper.  OMG Amazing!

Shenanigans infront of The Skipper
After lunch we checked into the hotel (which had S'mores and cookies every night!!)  Winner winner cookie dinner!  

Just kidding we didn't have cookies for dinner (they were dessert ;)  We had...DAIRY FREE ICE CREAM!  

This was my coconut milk chocolate ice cream with Reese Cups!!
Holy foodgasm!

Lil Mama and Tall broski

car shenanigans 

Don't we look normal?!

Fudge house without a fudge sample girl out front?
Nothin like NJ!!

After dinner ice cream we went to play mini golf at Pirate's Cove.  It was face rocking fun!  I haven't played mini golf since I was a sophomore in high school and my friends and I went with my friend and her boyfriend.  Does anyone else remember how much fun high school dates were?  Everyone and their mother would accompany the couple on a date because it was so important that your friends like him!!

I golfed with a pink club and a pink ball
because, duuuuuh!

Deb's ball and nails matched!

Deb and I rocking our pirate gear!


Dylan and Daddy rocking their pirate gear.

If you're wondering...I rocked par for 3 straight holes then began my downward spiral to last place.  Yup, yup, Deb beat me!!  Dylan won (no duh...he's a golfer), Daddy came in second, Deb came in third, and I lost.  Grrrrrr!

Mini golf was super fabulous and I loved every second of it. 

Tomorrow is more Cape Cod goodness.  Rumor has it we're going to be beachin' it! 

I'll see y'all after I finish shaking it for Lukeybear, Brantley Gilbert, Lee Brice, and Cole Swindell!  Could this concert BE anymore rocking?



Thursday, August 14, 2014

Boston Day 3--Chocolate Cannolis are my vice

Happy Thursday!

How are y'all?!  I'm great, finally getting back into to regular life-nonvacation mode.  Does anyone else feel like they need a vacation after their vacation to ease back into their regular life?  Kinda like goldfish--you know how you can't just drop a goldfish in a tank, you have to leave them in the baggie for a while whilst lying in the new tank?  That's kinda me right now.

Well, Day 3 of Boston was exciting!  We went on a Trolley tour of the city.  It was a hop on/hop off kinda tour.  The best kind if you ask me.  We took the hotel trolley to downtown Boston and got off at the Massachusetts Convention Center.

Dylan was the 1st Mate of the hotel trolley
 After we left the Convention Center, we walked a few blocks to the meeting spot.  Magically the trolley appeared as soon as we arrived:

Me thinking:  This is going to be a great day!  Look our trolley just magically appeared--it's like hitting all the green lights on your way home from work!  Kaaaching!

Life: You fool you don't even know! 

We hopped on and went for a little ride to Boston Harbor

Dylan and I on the cruise

Look at the pretty sailboats!

The parentals!

Bahhhstohhnn Hahhhbahhh

Charlestown Navy Yard-home to the USS Constitution

Ole Iron Side herself

The Wishbone bridge next to the TD Garden
ok that's not it's real name but doesn't it look like a wishbone?

1 if by land and 2 if by sea, and I on the opposite shore will be...
Old North Church!
Fun Fact-I had to memorize The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere in 4th grade and I still remember it today!

Inside Old North Church

The organ

Dog tag memorial to all of those who served in the wars in Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq.

After a quick trip to a food truck circle, I picked up...

this bad johnnie!  A double chocolate chunk cookie
Since when did food truck food become so delicious?!  They had everything at this food truck circle--Chinese, cookies, grilled cheese, and hotdogs.

After cookie heaven time, we decided to wait for our trolley back to the hotel.  Well guess what?  IT NEVER CAME!   Apparently you had to book the trolley back to the hotel, but NOWHERE did it tell you that!  We even talked to the concierge about the trolley and she didn't mention it at all!  GRRRRRR.  We called the hotel and asked them (per my suggestion because I'm a specialkindalady) to pay for our cab.  They did.

The famsquad waiting for the trolley to pick us up like losers champs

 We came back from the hotel.

Engaged in shenanigans...

Took sleeping selfies with the broski

Dinner was...interesting.  We went to La Famiglia Giorgio in Boston's North End.  We were seated at 7:15.  We ordered 2 pizzas and 1 chicken Caesar salad to share.  At 7:45 we only had bread.  It was delicious because the dipping sauce was EVOO, parmesan, red pepper flakes, and gahhhhlic.  To.DIE.FOR.  Then, at 7:55 we asked our server where our salad was.  She said the kitchen was backed up.  At 7:52 people behind us who arrived LATER than us were served their eggplant rollatini.  Um, excuse me, eggplant rollatini takes a lotttttt longer to make than pizza.  We asked the manager and miraculously 25 minutes later it came out!  All. At. Once.  Yes, at 8:23 pm we finally ate our dinner!  My tummy was growling as loud as my South Jersey mouth.  I was annoyed.  I loathe when people lie. I know waiting tables is hard, I worked in customer service for 6 years--you forget things.  But guess what?  You apologize and fix it!  The food was great!  The boys ate pepperoni pizza and Deb and I shared a goat cheese Margherita pizza.

Super scrumptious. 

 The wait was excruciating!

I said that we should ask for the salad to be comped because the wait was insane.  It is salad!  You take 1.5 hours to make salad?  I know y'all cook that up at noon and just wait for us to eat it.  I tweeted my disgust and the tweet was taken down.  The tweet read-Really @LaFamgio?? 1.5 hours for a salad?  And you don't comp it?

See, not mean!  Grrrrr.  So I yelled at them on

After dinner I snacked on this bad boy!  It was from Mike's Pastry and it was fantastic!  Chocolate cannoli for the win!  I'm usually a healthier eater but when on vacay...I can be tempted :)

Deb took a picture next to her main man at Faneuil Square...
Sam Adams!  
 Tomorrow we're ditching this city life for the beach!
