Thursday, October 9, 2014

Never Did I Ever...

...think blogging would be A.) Something I would do B.) Something anyone would want to read.

But before we start....HAPPY FRIDAY!

Anyone have any cool weekend plans?  Jess and I are doing the bestie girls nite tradition-Seasons 52 and then Gone Girl!  (Don't we all love Best Friend Dates?  Hello yoga pants and messy buns!)  Has anyone seen it?  I heard it was awesome!  I didn't get to read the book yet, but I plan to do that over Christmas Break!  Saturday I am marathoning lesson plans because I'm uuber busy the rest of October and early November.  Pray for my sanity y'all!  Sunday, I'm running a 5k for a local charity.  I've never done a short race before.  I've only done a 1/2 marathon.  This will be my first run since the half marathon.  The ol' knee is working pretty well now so wish me luck!

Back to the blog post!

    A.) I started blogging about 3 years ago with the sole intention of just keeping an online journal.  I didn't think anyone but my parents (thanks for always being my biggest supporters :)) would read this.  I started blogging not knowing what I wanted to write about, how I wanted my voice to be, and what topics I would consider off limits.  I think the biggest challenge with blogging is finding your niche.  I think my niche is the "close bestie who loves to talk boys, dance, shop, make you laugh, and eat chocolate."  I think I'm the kinda blogger who is the every girl.  I wear yoga pants and a baseball hat, but I also love to be a fancy pants!  Nothing too serious, but nothing too fluffy!  I like that happy medium.  When I started blogging, I tried to write about things I would want to read.  It's hard to figure out what you want to share with the world.  You're opening yourself up to constant scrutiny and judgement.  It's hard to figure out what is private and what you don't mind people reading.  I try to stay away from talking about my personal life, not because I would be embarrassed, but because I don't think it's fair or right to bash someone.  This is a happy loving place.

     B.)  I honestly am amazed that you are reading this!  And you people keep coming back!

I am amazed that anyone would want to read this blog.  Not as a woe is me, I'm boring, self-hating thing.  I just am shocked, grateful, and thankful that you all take the time out of your busy lives to spend a little time here in my corner of the webisphere.  

Every time someone tells me they like my post, or they think I'm funny, or normal (Ok, that never happens lol) that makes me all warm and fuzzy.  

Well, happy Friday!  Stay Fresh like the Prince my friends!



  1. Good luck on the 5k! I agree- my favorite comments are the ones appreciating my (sarcastic) sense of humor!

    1. They're the best ones!! I love that other people are goofy, nerdy, sarcastic, and watch wayyyyy too many movies!

  2. i think it's always interesting when you gain a loyal following, it really makes you feel good. blogging is a weird, great thing!

    1. Yes! You're opening your soul for the world to see!

  3. We TOTALLY want to read your blog! Plus, your images/GIFs are on POINT today! haha love them!!!

    1. Thanks, Diana! I love a good gif! I think it spices up the blog!

  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one talking about everything randomly like I do with my girlfriends. And don't be surprised that readers keep coming back, your posts are a good read! Your gifs are hilarious btw! xx

    1. Thanks! You all made my day :) Thank you! I think the gifs make the blog
