Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Things I Know For Sure...About Teaching...After 4 Months

Happy New Year's Eve!

Are you all running around in your sparkly dresses and heels looking for someone to kiss?  Suckas! NYE is for yoga pants, telecasted ball drops and dips. Lots and lots of dips. Oh and champagne!


 As for New Year's kisses?


I'm thinking this handsome boy will be my kiss!

Oh and these...

If you are going out have fun and be safe!  

Back to the main point of the blog post-what i know for sure. I'm sure Oprah's title and book is full of more valuable life hacks and tidbits of fantastic wisdom than you'll find on this bloggy, but I like her title so here goes!

As of tomorrow I will have been a teacher for 4 months. I teach 2nd and 3rd grade resource room. Saying I love my job is a gross understatement. I am beside myself with love for my job and my students. I can't imagine working anywhere else or doing anything else. In my 4 months I've learned a lot. I'm so lucky to have great mentors and people to help my out along the way.

Also on a semi-related note-THIS is a gem for teachers!  It's teachers' New Year's Resolutions!

Here are my few pearls of wisdom that I have gleaned along the very short pathway.  In honor of 2015, I have left you with 15!!  

1.) You will love your students more than anything. I never thought I would love anyone or anything as much as I love my students. I hope they succeed, I want them to be happy, I want them to always be appreciated, and never get hurt. I want them to be confident and proud of themselves. I want them one day to have a job that they love as much as I do. 

2.) Lakeshore will rip you off. I love Lakeshore as much as the next first year teacher. What with their primary colored walls, and nifty border patterns, and classroom accessories you couldn't have dreamt up in your wildest dreams, but after they wanted $300 for an easel I decided I could probably build one for under $25. So I did. I bought a clothes rack at this little French boutique called Target for $20. Then I bought Lakeshore anchor chart rings for $5. And for about a tenth of the Lakeshore price I have an easel!  P.S. Thanks to 10 years of working at a dance studio, I was able to build it myself.

My students did NOT believe I built this...
*Also, note the reindeer sweater.  This is as close to a dorky teacher Christmas sweater that I will ever wear.  It is also from LOFT and therefore negates the dorky teacher Christmas sweater stigma.  It is still festive, though.

3.)  You will feel incredibly guilty. About everything. About every modicum of your day. I usually arrive at work between 715 and 730. I usually leave around 5- a little earlier if I'm tutoring. Most days I come home feeling like I should still be at work. I should be grading something, prepping something else, reading a new article, scouring Pinterest for some fancy innovative method to teach multiplication with, or just scanning for new anchor texts to teach a concept. I feel immense guilt when I drive away from school and see teachers still avidly working away. I need to tell myself that it's ok. It's ok to drive away after spending 9-10 hours at work. It's ok to push away from your computer to eat lunch. It's ok if all of your lessons are not "Pinterest Worthy". It's ok if you count getting enough sleep as part of your job. Feeling guilt about not being able to attend friend functions in the middle of the week because you need sleep or a run or a Zumba is normal. It's all ok. As long as you are teaching your students and they are having fun, you're doing your job. We, as new teachers, need to give ourselves a break. We're new, we're not perfect and no one expects us to be. 

4.) Set up a retirement fund separate from your pension.  I want to be a crotchety old woman with a lot of money!  Someone has to pay for those Early Bird Diner Dinners!


5.) Set up disability insurance. 

6.) Your attitude towards learning will become your students' attitude towards learning. Believe it or not, but skip counting and writing compare and contrast essays aren't exactly jazzy bursting with excitement activities, but guess what?  I sell them to my students like I am selling Manolo Blahniks toCarrie  Bradshaw.  I'm a big believer in fake it til you make it and if you fake loving these things, your students will do them so much better.  Think Buddy and the Mail Room.  If you don't get that reference, we can't be friends.  

7.) They do pay you to like kids. If you don't like kids you better get out now. 

8.) Some people will be easy to work with. Some will make your job difficult. Remember that smiling and tone of voice makes all the difference. You can't control or imagine what goes on in someone else's life or what comes out of their mouth, but you can control yours.  Choose wisely. 

9.) Always eat the baked goods on the teachers' lounge. 

10.) Start everyday with the same sentence, "Good morning!  I'm so glad you're here today!  I'm happy to see you!"  This might be the only time they hear this all day. This creates positive classroom culture and the kids will work harder for you if you genuinely love them and they know it. 

11.) Compliment them for everything. Build them up, praise them for the good, and genuinely mean it. Don't just say good job. Be creative!  

12.). Have a classroom mantra. Have hiur kids repeat it. We have 2:  Everyone gets what they need to succeed and It is tough, but I'm tougher.  Post these around your room. Mine are over the door. 

13.) Learn to be corrected by an 8 year old with grace. Trust me, this will happen a lot. If you show them it's natural to make mistakes, they will be more apt to take risks and not be upset when they are wrong. 

14.) Ask questions and don't be afraid to ask for help. You're new, I'm new, teaching is not a science, it's an art. There are a million ways to do it and do it well. Ask around and you'll become a better teacher. 

15.) Know your skill set and don't keep it to yourself. I am good with technology and SMARTBoards. I help the seasoned teachers learn about and incorporate their SMARTBoards into their lessons and in turn they give me advice and tips. It's give and take.

I hope you all have a Happy New Year!  I hope it is full of love, laughter, and sweets!



Monday, December 29, 2014

New Year and New Year's Resolutions/Hopes/Wishes

Happy Oxymoron Day!

I haven't blogged in forever because I've been crazy busy at work, but now it's a Christmas vacay kinda day.  I'm finally back and it feels fabulous!  I'll recap Christmas later, but right now is all about the New Year!

I don't know about you, but my New Year's Eves have never been super awesome.  Usually it's super low key (that's code for sweats, dips, and bubbly…plus chocolate of course :)) and we watch the ball drop.  I always try to make New Year's Resolutions.  I keep them--for the most part, so I always feel good about making them.

2014 was a pretty great year.  I graduated with my Master's from my beloved TCNJ, rode the emotional roller coaster that is looking for a teaching job, got hired at my dream job, went on two vacations, ran a half marathon and a 5k, and finally began to feel like this is what and where I'm supposed to be.  2015 is going to have to work really hard to beat it.

Here are my 2015 Goals:

-Go on 4 trips!  One is already booked (Cait I'll be in Chapel Hill in 7 weeks!), one is in the discussion stages (SPEDS NYE trip next year to some place warm and tropical!), one family trip to Bermuda, and one New Orleans trip!

-Run another half marathon.  Ok, I hated running miles 8-13, but I think it's like child birth, you forget the pain and want only the reward--in my case no child, just a brand new shiny medal!

-Run a 10k in D.C.  I love D.C. and want to run around all of the monuments and buildings

-Drink more green things-more green juices, more green tea, and more green smoothies!  I've been using the juicer on my break and I'm loving all of the extra energy I have.

-Go zip lining, banana boating, and parasailing!  On Family Vacation 2015, I'm going to do all of these things!  I went parasailing on our last cruise and I can't wait to go back!  It's so much fun and exciting to see the fish and dolphins!

-Considering getting my S.C.U.B.A. cert.  I kinda wanna go S.C.U.B.A. diving on my family trip and with my friends next winter.

-I want to keep all of my old friends and make some new ones.

-I want to become a better teacher, friend, daughter, and person.

-I want to be happier with myself and not be so hard on myself (This is a hard one, but I'm going to try)

-Yoga 4 times a week.  Even if my practice is only 20 minutes a day, I want to improve and feel more zen.  I'm in my head way too much and hopefully yoga will help :)

-Read a book a month.  In the summer this is super easy, but during the school year, it's really tough.  I'm going to try to read more.  I like to read before bed to help calm me down.

-Sleep 7 hours a night.  I tend to sleep about 6 hours now, but I want to increase the z's.

Now for my New Year's Predictions!  I usually hate predictions because if they don't come true I feel bad about myself.  But we're gonna give it a whirl!

-I predict I will fail whale one of these resolutions

-I predict I will have many a Girls' Nite!

-I predict I will fall in love with UNC when I visit in 7 weeks :)

-I predict I will PR on my half marathon

-I predict I will spend way too much money on shoes!

-I predict I will try my very very hardest to forget my Mr. Big (even if he's super hot and calls me randomly a la his name sake)

-I predict I will follow my pattern of starting to date someone in March of an odd year (fingers crossed it's Chris Evans)

-I predict I will jam out to a whole bunch of country concerts this summer!  I already have Tay Tay tix!

What are your New Year's Resolutions?  I hope you have a great rest of 2014 and an even better 2015!



Monday, October 27, 2014

Superstition is the Way

Happy Tuesday!

I have to tell y'all that I don't think there is any force greater than Halloween.  I'm a teacher and my kids are OBSESSED with Halloween.  I remember liking Halloween, but not like this!  They don't even get to get all sugared up.  My district is a "healthy district" and therefore there are no sugary snacks permitted.

I think the best part of Halloween, as a child of course (the best part about it now is watching Hocus Pocus while in your jammies and eating popcorn and M&Ms.) was the Halloween parade followed by party.  I remember eating slices of pizza, shoveling candy into my mouth, and eating dozens of chocolatey/sugary desserts.  IT WAS FREAKING AWESOME!  I turned out to be a very healthy girl.

Anyway, I digress.  Today is an interesting post.  It is all about things I'm superstitious about.

Well, here we go.

-Even numbers/even sets/even reps-When I'm at the gym I can't stop until each side is even.  For example, in Pilates, if my instructor starts us on the right side, I can't finish the set if I'm on the right side, I must do the last rep to make it complete.  I guess I don't want to be uneven?  I'm a dork :)

Speaking of even numbers, I only eat mints in twos.  Yup, I eat two at a time.  I can't do one mint.  I just like two.

-Nighttime prayers-I say an extensive pray every night before bed.  I have to say the same prayers in the same order.

-I also bless myself and say a prayer every time I see/hear an ambulance drive by.

-Driving to Lady Gaga.  I like the Gags, but one time my roommie in college and I were driving home after visiting Wawa, and we had the legal right to turn left.  A car came flying out from a red light (the light was red for over 30 seconds when this car, going 90 mph minimum pulls out and almost smashed into us.)  We were listening to Lady Gaga when this happened and since then neither of us has been able to drive while the Gags is playing.

-I confess that I never make my bed--that is until I'm right about to get into it for the night.  I can't get into a bed without it being made.

-I have to sleep with the night stand on my left hand side.  I don't know why, but I always have and I always will.  Even in hotels, everyone knows this :)

-Mirrors.  Ever since the preteen sleepovers that featured trying to resurrect Bloody Mary via powder room mirror became a thing, I shudder whenever I look in the mirror in a dark room.  I'm certain I will see her.

-Church every Sunday.  I have to go to mass every weekend or I fear what will happen that week.  This weekend, I'm going to sandwich a family party around going to church.  By sandwich I mean I will go to the party, leave to attend mass, then return.  (I'm babysitting on Sunday and therefore have to go to Saturday Night Mass)

This list may have turned into a list of things I'm OCD about, but whatevs.  Superstitions and OCD aren't that far away on the spectrum.

Also, VA was super awesome!  Seeing Dylan is always great AND I got to eat at Texas Roadhouse and Buffalo Wild Wings!  Yum yum yum!

What are you superstitious about?

Have a spooktacular day,


Saturday, October 25, 2014

My Life...Movie Edition

Happy Sunday!

I love Sundays.  They are relaxed, serene, and full of family.

I'm writing to y'all from my hotel casa in Virginia.  Our trip so far is bueno.  Dylan is doing well, even if his hair is super long now.  And by super long I mean it flips out from under his baseball hat.  Erase the images of Marilyn Manson or Totally Kyle from your mind.  Fingers crossed that he's just kidding about not cutting it until February.

We got to eat din din at one of my fave places--don't laugh--but it's Texas Roadhouse!  I love it!  I love the country music, the peanuts, the bread-OMG!  I only had one roll with the famous cinnamon sugar butter.  I must win some sort of self-control award for that.  I got salmon without the butter sauce and double veggies.  Muy delicioso!  I also had a skinny margarita.  Fabu!  For dessert we went to Klein's Dairy Bar.  I had a teeny tiny serving of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.  I suffered through it ;)

So, back to the topic at hand.  Who would play me in the movie version of my life?  I have narrowed it down to two.  My ideal choice would be Jennifer Aniston.  I have had a major girl crush on her since 1995 when I fell in love with her on Friends.  I think she's flawless.  I mean girlfriend looks great!  If she's had work done, she's had good work done.


Move over, Beyonce, Jen is our queen.  By no means am I comparing myself to her physically, I just think she's normal and I'm normal so she'd be perfect.  Also, she is the Queen of the Single Girls and I like to think of myself as the Princess of the Single Ladies :)

I think that if Jen were unavailable, I would call Molly Sims.  I like her because she's normal.  I love her whole persona.  I think her clothes are perfect.  I think the fact that she got married after she had an established career is awesome.  And her son is adorbs.  Plus, girlfriend rocks a pony tail like no ones business.  Lastly, we have almost identical hair color.  This would leave more money in the all important category of getting Chris Evans to play my support and loving husband.


So, who would play you in the movie of your life?  I would also like my best friends to be played by Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha, and Miranda.  



Friday, October 24, 2014

My Favorite Book

Hi Friends,

Happy Saturday!  I'm on my way to Virginia to visit Dylan.  It's crazy that he's already a junior, my baby brother is all grown up.

We're also going to Texas Roadhouse!  #Ihavehighbrowtasteinfood

Much Ado About Nothing was fabulous!  Deb and my Dad thought it was a musical...adorable.  Beatrice is my third favorite literary heroine.  "I will only marry when men are made of a metal other than Earth."  That wit glitter is gold.

I love today's topic.  As a teacher, I am constantly reading and looking for new books.


wink ;)

 Here is my favorite book.  It's a children's book, because I think the best literature is written for children.

1. Chrysanthemum She is my favorite literary character!  She is wonderful and hilarious!  The book teaches any reading pillar and will illustrate almost any character education policy.  For those of you who don't know about this gem (Get thee to a library...okay, all done with the Shakespeare quotes) Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes, is about a mouse-girl named Chrysanthemum who loves her name and has a whole bunch of self-confidence, but then goes to school and this mean girl, Victoria, makes fun of her name and this makes Chrysanthemum wilt.  The book is a quest to build her up, and thanks to a teacher she gets back to her confident self.  At the end of the book, Victoria gets hers.  Can you say karma?


Gold, my friends, gold!  I'm a big fan of karma :) I love this book because it teaches you not to be a bully and to love your quirks.

I hope you are enjoying your Saturday.  I'm currently en route to Virginia and therefore watching Pitch Perfect and/or Elf.  

Love, Love, Love,


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Favorite Beauty Product

Happy Friday!

Let's all do the weekend happy dance!


Did anyone else bawl their eyes out last night during Grey's?  I was tearing up and making pouty faces at the gym.  It was cute not normal and people stared.  Scandal? OMG!  Crazy Good!

Today's post is all about my favorite beauty product and this is the easiest thing to rave about.

There are no words for how much I love this product!  I started using it when I was in high school and on Acutane.  It saved my chronically chapped lips.  For those of you who have not used Acutane, it is an intense Acne medicine that dries you completely out.  It saved my life and I've been a devotee since.  I actually do finish the entire container and NEVER lose it.  I have one safely in every purse I use.  Miracle in a stick. It is light, balmy, and not greasy.  Unlike so many other chapsticks, it doesn't fade away.  You know what I mean, some you put on and they slide right off?  Nope!  Also, some balms seem to slide off your lips??  Not this beauty! It's the best $2.99 you will spend.  

What beauty products do you love?  I'm also a huge water lover so my water bottle is another beauty product must.  

Sunscreen would be number 3.  Neutrogena Beach Protection is my #1.

Well, I'm off to do the work thang and then Jess, my parentals, and I are off to see Much Ado About Nothing.  One of the nice things my district does is they give out 2 free tickets to staff members for every show.  It's great!  The productions are always a display of talent.  Plus, Much Ado is my favorite Shakespeare play!  

Beatrice is my spirit animal.  She's my third favorite literary heroine.  Junie B. Jones is #1.  Chrysanthemum is #2.  Can I get a hand clap for the ladies of literature?!

Have a great weekend!  One week until Halloween!  Teacher blogfriends, are your kids already candy crazy?

Love Love Love,


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Instagram Editing Apps

Happy Thursday!

Only one more wake up until the weekend!

I don't really have any cool apps to make my IG pics super awesome, so I'm going to turn it over to y'all.  What do I need?

I don't want to bore you, so I'll tell you all about my fabulous trip to visit Amanda.

Amanda and I have been friends for 15 years.  Like most of my friends, we have a serindipitous meeting story.

When we were in 3rd grade our kindergarten aged brothers were having a playdate.  Our mom's had arranged for us to also have a playdate.  We weren't sooooooo keen on the idea.  We didn't know each other at all.  We were in the same grade, but so were 200 other kids.  Well, after about 5 minutes and eyeing up her fabulous Barbie collection, we became friends!

Amanda recently moved and this past weekend I went for a visit.  It was lovely!  It was full of girl talk, shopping, and eating!

Sparkling Strawberry Sangria <3

1 Sweet Potato Taco (amazeballs)
1 Rio Taco
Garlic Kale
OMG Paladar, you outdid yourself!

We split a pineapple upside down cake with cinnamon ice cream 

The Target had 2 floors!
You're not in Jersey anymore, baby!
This is a cart escalator!
Cool beans, bro!

We sampled/compared Justin's PB Cups and Trader Joe's Cookie Butter Cups
If you're was a tie ;)

Well, I'm off to worky work and then a conference.  Today at worky work we're having a Brown Box Lunch.  The Corner Bakery Cafe is catering our lunch and I can't wait to eat my chicken salad and cookie!  Fingers crossed it's chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin!  Then, it's Friday!

Love Always,


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

My Pet Peeves

Happy Wednesday!  

Sorry I've been MIA lately...I needed sleep.  Seriously.  After visiting 4 states in 24 hours, (with a total of 17 hours of sleep across the Friday, Saturday, Sunday) I needed to go to bed at 9 p.m.  You woudn't want a cranky Erin, would you?  Definitely NOT!

Today's prompt is What are your pet peeves?  


Well, folks, I gotta lotta peeves.

1.) CROCS!  People, just say no!  These are expensive pieces of crap.  They are crap.  I don't feel bad saying that at ALL.  The only time it is appropriate to wear CROCS is if you are a nurse or a child under 7.  


2.) Guys who ghost!  Where do you go?  Why don't you just say you don't like us?  We are tough cookies, and we're strong enough for you to tell us you are just not that into us.  We all saw the movie, we know there's someone better out there for us.  Also, be a man and say it.  Ghosts are awful.  If you break up with us, at least we will have a shred of respect for you.  Ghosts are like Scrubs, and a scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me.

3.) Bad cookies.  Come on people, don't make them crunchy and try to pass them off as a chewy delicious Heaven sent cookie.  That is cruel.  Cookies are meant to be chewy.  

4.) Girls who ask guys if they know how lucky you they are to have them.  

If anyone says this to you, RUN don't walk to the nearest exit.  

5.) People who give diet advice.  If you are not a trainer, nutritionist, or on Biggest Loser,  I want no part of your diet/exercise/health tips.  You people say chocolate isn't an everyday food?  I say blasphemy!  People love to dole out advice.  Let me tell you, I am quite healthy on my own and don't need people telling me things I don't care about.  Go to Lulu Lemon at 11 am, they have people there with way too much time on their hands and way too much money to spend.  Talk to them, they are your people.  I am not your person.  You are not the Meredith to my Christina.  

6.) People who bring 42 items to the 7 items or fewer line at Wegman's.  I will give you a 3 item grace period.  42 items does not a patron of 7 items or fewer line make.  

7.) Know it alls.  We have all met them.  We all hate them.  Moving on.

8.) Derek Hough.  He's awful and I can't stand him.  On a sidebar, Erin Andrews is flawless.

9.) Girls who pretend to be stupid.  

10.) People who diss The Bachelor/ette.  A person's television's selection is not indicative of their intelligence.  

11.) Bad chick flicks.  You have one job, rom coms!  It is to make me fall in love with a guy who is not in my socioeconomic status and/or is a recently converted bad boy.  

12.) People who see no sunshine only clouds.  Yes, life gets you down, but you smile and move on.  

13.) Salads that only use white romaine "lettuce".  I use quoties around lettuce, because we've all been there.  It tastes like water.  

That is all.  Now that I've got my venting session out, I'm going to go do a happy dance and listen to All About That Base and smile.  

Have a great day :)


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Things That Make Me Happy October 2014 Edition

Happy Sunday Funday!

Thanks for wishing me well at Columbia!  I loved it!  It was everything I thought it would be and more.  Columbia University's Teacher's College is a cornerstone in creating American educational strides.  The conference was free (wowza) and run by Lucy Calkins.  For you non-educators, she is the Queen of Writing.  The conference was great and I left feeling invigorated and rejuvenated and ready to rock on Monday.  As any professional, and especially newbie, it is essential to go to conferences like this and develop/learn/see/feel/hear emerging ideas.  Also, it was very girl power and I'm all about that.  I love being surrounded by accomplished women.  I always say, I'd rather be the dumbest person in the room at the best school, because then I have the opportunity to learn so much more.  My friend and I attended the conference and honestly we can't wait unitl March for the 88th Teacher's Conference.

Anyway, back to the topic.  Today's topic is one of my all time favorites because I believe in counting your blessings everyday.  Today, I'm off to visit a friend in Maryland and I figured this ties in perfectly. I'll post our purchases/events/shenanigans tomorrow :)  We've been friends for 15 years so there's always some gems!

Things that make me happy:

1. Meghan Trainor's All About That Bass.  This girl positive body image anthem speaks to me.  Usually it says, "Go ahead, Erin, eat that cookie.  Momma told you don't worry about your size"

2. Really great Zumba/Pilates/Barre classes.  There is nothing I love more than getting my sweat on and I love when the playlist is popping, the intsrutcor is feeling it, and I've had a great day at work.  With that combo I am grooving, planking, and pile-ing my way to a fitter, healthier me.

3. Visiting friends.  I can't tell you how much I love my girlfriends.  They keep me sane, healthy, and laughing until I accidentally pee my pants.  They're the bestests.

4. Dancing in the living room.  I still choreograph in my living room.  I danced for 20 years and taught for's in my blood.

5. My job/students.  I love my job and I know I'm biased, but I believe my students are the best people in the world.  When they become in charge, we'll be in fantastic hands.

6. Lakeshore Teacher's Store.  Hello, Heaven!

7. Sale/Clearance Racks.  Total Win!

8.  Almond butter.  Yumm-o

9. Foam rollers.  Just bought a "mean" one aka one that has ridges.  Going to break that bad mama out tonight!

10. Solo car rides with awesome music.  Music makes the road trip, y'all.

11. This fall weather we're having.  Loving wearing leggins, boots, and sweater dresses.

12. Lilly Pulitzer Planner.  Organization+Bright Summery Colors=Instant Happy!

13. Anytime spent with my family.  I don't know why they're last on my list....

That is all for today, folks.  Enjoy your Sunday!

After visiting Amanda, I'll probably come home and get my yoga on.



Friday, October 17, 2014

It's Secret Time

Happy Saturday!

When you are reading this I will be on my way to Columbia University for a Lucy Caulkins Writing Workshop.  A friend from work and I are going on a bus trip--she's picking me up at 5:20!  Wayyyyy too early for me.  I'm great between 10 am and 4 pm.  Anything before that and I'm a little wonky :)

Today's post is (drum roll please) Share a Secret About Yourself!

These posts are fun/hard.  I'm a pretty open person, but also strangely private about certain things.  I don't like divulging everything here on the ole bloggy, but I guess I will share this.

So lean, (I'm doing that shifty eye gaze thing to see if anyone is listening)



ok stop--too close lol

My secret is that when I go to the beach, the mall, or any place where there are a bunch of people, I secretly pick out my favorite and pretend that they are my "future family".  I don't know if this is weird or not?  I just go, okay, that guy is cute and he is playing with his kids?  Ok, I'll pretend that is my future husband and ooooh,  look!  His baby just fell and now he's holding her and wiping the sand off her polk dot babykini!  Tell me there is anything cuter than a baby in a bikini?  You can't :)

To be clear, I am in no way talking to these people or trying to talk to said hot dad.  I am just observing their cute familiness.

So there is my secret.  I'm a closet family-future-thinker.

What are your secrets?



Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Fall Fashion!

Happy Thursday!

One more day until the weekend!

So today's post is all about fall fashion!  Can we just all agree that in the rankings of all things fall it goes:

1. pumpkin spice/pumpkin-ness
2. fall fashion
3. football
4. Halloween candy
5. Hocus Pocus 
6. Fall TV premieres

I always see ideas of fall fashion grandeur on Pinterest and then try to recreate them.  Here are some of my new fall fashion ideas!

Because you know I'm all about those boots, 'bout those boots, no troubles...

Boots are the best thing about fall.  They're warm and cute and they're like the sundress of fall--they make everything look pulled together and chic.

My favorites:

These are my current obsession.  I bought these last month and I love them.  They're pricey, yes, but God are the gorgeous.  I bought these as my congrats on graduation/getting a job.  

I also love the vest over button down or sweater look.

This is actually on sale now...I know where I'm going after work tomorrow...Hello Old Navy!

I'm thinking about this outfit for my Sunday Funday with Amanda!!  With my boots :)

I love these pants!  I want them in a honey glaze color


I really want a cape!  I can wear it over leggins, (yes, I don't pronounce the /g/ because I think of it as I put my leg-in..get it?) 

I pretty much want this whole outfit.

Also, fall is nothing with out a great jean jacket.  Mine is from Loft and I wear it all the time.  I have to tell myself to only wear it once a week (lest people talk lol) 

Also, skinny jeans are necessary to wear in the fall because of the boots.  I have black jeans, pink, green, and dark blue.  

I love the raspberry color of these pants.  I think they provide a nice balance and a poppa colah to a bleak outfit.  

I also love scarves.  I have a bright orange one that I rock frequently in the fall because it adds a little fall to a jean jacket and black skinnies.

I hope you all love my list.  I'm not a tights girl so I will not post them (I think it's a residual side effect of 20 years of ballet dancing--don't have to wear tights, so I won't).  What are you all wearing this fall?


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Words to Live By

Happy Hump Day!

My favorite quote is actually courtesy of Criminal Minds.  Romantic, I know :)

 It doesn't take a lot of strength to hang on, it takes a lot of strength to let go -J.C. Watts

This is very true.  I mean, heck, I held on to the idea that my Scooby Doo overalls were cute until well into middle school.  If you're wondering, yes Scooby did jump out of on of the front bib pockets :)  It was rough, but I learned to Let IT Go!  and even though it was tough, I'm a stronger and (more fashionable) person for it!

But, think about, it anyone can hold on to anything.  If you're wondering, I still hold onto way more than necessary.  It would take way more strength for me to think Elsa and LET IT GOOOOO!  LET IT GOOOO!  But, alas, I am not one with the wind and sky.

I hold on to all kinds of things I shouldn't.  Artifacts from past relationships, notes from college that I will not ever look at again.  Coconut water in my fridge that I know I won't drink ever again, because it's narsty.  Speaking of, excuse me while I go toss that--just typing that made me realize how gross that is.  I hold on to it because it's comfortable.  I'm familiar with it.  Familiarity doesn't cause growth, though.

I think it takes a very strong person to let it go.  It's hard to turn away from the familiar even if it doesn't suit your needs--even if it's negative, even if it is hard.  I think I might make this my New Year's Resolution.  I used to think that I had hope--always holding out for that guy to call me back, that trend to come back in, that suddenly my taste buds would love coconut water, but guess what?  He's Just Not That Into Me, Scooby Doo overalls were never in style to begin with will never come back in style, and I will never love coconut water because it tastes like survival food.  I think it takes a strong woman to say goodbye to the familiar and venture out into the scary unknown.  It's scary to walk away from relationships because of the fear of the unknown.

But, I think with that walking away, that letting go, you are saying, this is unacceptable and I can and will do better.  I have faith in myself that I can do better and be better.  When I look at it through that lens, it makes it easier.  It makes it seem like if I don't let go, I'm literally betting against myself.  And I always bet on me.

So friends, what is your motto?  I find that if I'm in need of a pick-me-up I head over to Pinterest and cruise the quotes section until I feel fabulous again.  I highly suggest it :)

Enjoy your day!


Monday, October 13, 2014

Favorite Childhood Memory

Happy Tuesday!

Only 3 more wake ups until the weekend!

My favorite childhood memory is probably a little unorthodox.  As a child, my favorite show was Saturday Night Live.  Not kidding.  I was probably about 4 and knew all the words to all of The Cheerleaders, Celebrity Jeopardy, and Mary Catherine Gallagher.  I know, I know, what kinda awesome parents do I have?!  The bestest! I loved pretending to go to sleep at 8 and then waking up as soon as I heard, "It's Saturday Night LiIIIVe!"  I would scurry downstairs in my Barbie jammies and we'd watch the first half hour of the show and then head off to Ponzio's (a local authentic Jersey diner with amazing double chocolate layer cake) for some midnight dessert.  It was just my mom, dad, and me and I loved it all.  I felt like the coolest person in the diner (which is actually really hard in NJ, because diners attract all sorts of awesome people.  In Southern NJ, on your way back from Philly after clubbing, you will inevitably stop at a diner for some "diner fries".)  So as you can tell, being 4 and rocking some sweats and Cinderella dress up high heels!  Don't judge, y'all totally did that, too!  They were HOT!  I walked around like I owned the place!  The irony of wearing Cinderella's shoes after midnight was not lost on me.  I would always get chocolate cake and a Pepsi.  Great parents!  Soda and cake after midnight!  Wonderful!!  This is what I plan on doing for my kids one day!  These were simple and amazing moments with my parents.  I think they did this so I wouldn't be jealous of my baby brother.  Even though he was only a few months old, they told me not to tell him.  I think this solidified the strong foundation my parents and I have now.

What are some of your best memories?



Favorite Fall Recipe!

Happy Oxymoron Day!  aka Happy Monday!

Everything is bueno over here.  This weekend was a work-hard/run-hard/play little weekend.  I feel very accomplished having finished lesson plans for October.  I'm going to be looking forward to 2 very busy weekends.  This weekend one of my friends (we met in 5th grade) is going to be coming home for a brief visit and we already have Friday dinner plans!  Saturday, I'll be in NYC at Columbia soaking in a writing conference.  Sunday, I'll be in Maryland visiting Amanda at her new condo.  We're planning on lunching it up and shopping it up!

I finished the 5k in 27 minutes.  Pretty proud of myself.  I ran hard!  As I've said before, I'm not a fast runner.

Momma and I getting ready to run

Parentals before their walk

The race was for Sean Fischel.  A local student who lost his courageous fight with HLH over a year ago.  It was a beautiful day for a 5k and a wonderful way to remember a superhero.  It was so inspiring to see the community come together and raise money to help a great organization.  In a hard world, it's nice to see so many people come together for good.  

Today's link up is about our favorite fall recipe.  Well, I love to eat almost as much as I love a Real Housewives marathon, so this is right up my alley!

My favorite fall recipe is cheap, easy, and healthy!

Cliffnotes Baked Apple Pie aka Cheap College Kid and I Only Own a Microwave But Want Apple Pie

1 red apple
honey (as much/little as you desire)
cinnamon (as much/little as you desire)
a sprinkle of oats or 1 graham cracker

Cut up the apple
Place it in a microwave safe bowl
Add honey and cinnamon
Microwave for 1 minute 30 seconds
Check the tenderness of apples
Add 30 more seconds if necessary
Take out of microwave
Add graham crackers or oats

It tastes delicious, costs very little, and is healthy!! 

My other Fall go to recipe is:

Popcorn and M&Ms

-enough pop corn kernels to fill the bottom of a brown paper lunch bag
-1 brown paper lunch bag
-as many M&Ms as you like (more...always more M&Ms)
-cinnamon to your liking (more is better if you're anything like me)

microwave popped popcorn (the kind where you actually buy the kernels and put them in a brown paper bag for 1 minute 30 seconds...not the gross store bought mircowave popcorn)
Then add Fall themed M&Ms to your popped corn 
Add a sprinkle of cinnamon 
Voila!  Crunchy, spicy, chocolatey goodness!!

I hope you enjoyed your little recipe feast here!  What are your favorites!?


Sunday, October 12, 2014

Best Advice I've Ever Been Given

Happy Sunday!

Does anyone else just love Sundays?  We always get up, go to church, go to brunch, then wander the mall.  Thus is the life of a Southern Jersey Girl.  They're always lazy and beautiful.  I finish up my lesson plans, go for a run, and come home and binge watch Real Housewives of NJ, Manzo'd With Children, and Homeland culturally important television shows.  In the fall, we also have Soup Sundays where we make a big crock of delicious soup and devour it over the next 24 hours.  Pretty great day if you ask me.

Hopefully by the time you're reading this, I will have survived the 5k and be done with lesson plans.  Fingers crossed!

Yesterday was a local Fall festival in the district my mom and I work.  Yes, we didn't think we spent enough time together at home so we decided it was a good idea to work at the same school :)  It was as adorable as I hoped it would be.  We ran into a few students which is always fun!  As a child, did anyone else think it was totally weird to see teachers outside of school?

Totally pumped that this happened for my kids today!  I mean they probably/hopefully don't know this line, but it was probably like this for them :)

Anyway, it was totally adorable AND they had these beauties:

Think pumpkin pie with walnuts in a crunchy shell.
Everything I hoped and dreamed it would be :)

Random Revolutionary War Hero

I skipped the whole fall thing and went to the old faithful pink :)

Today on the blog link up, we are discussing the best advice we've ever been given.  Now I have received quite a bit of advice in my day.  I think advice is something people love to give out.  I think it's the antithesis of the stink eye, which ironically, is also doled out daily.  For the most part, I listen to the advice of others.  It's always refreshing and necessary to see something from a different lens.  I like to think of it as personality exfoliating.  What I don't like/want/desire/listen to are know it alls.


I do have time for people who help, give constructive criticism, and offer authentic advice.  I crave that!  As a new teacher, other peoples' advice is my lifeline.

I've broken this into categories.  Enjoy!

Love life:

Like any rational human being, if a Huxtable (even related by dating) utters a phrase (okay, maybe not Theo or Denise...) YOU believe it!  Thanks, Olivia, for always reminding us of our worth!

"You know what Miss Erin?" my babysittee (the child I was babysitting...what are they actually called?) 
"What?" I answer.
"Sometimes you have to choose Prince Charming very carefully.  You can think he looks like a Prince, but inside he might be an awful person."  Babysittee.
"You don't know how right you are!" Me.  

Why do little kids give them best advice?  We should consult them on all problems.  They answer honestly, clearly, and candidly.  


Do what you love, honor your body, MOVE everyday, and praise your accomplishments.  That was said by me.  I'm like a mini Buddha, right?  

**I'm probably the farthest thing from a zen buddha**

Eating Healthy:

Whole, happy, organic, natural foods+chocolate every day=happy smiling Erin!


"This is not a science.  You won't wreck them if you mess up a lesson."-my mentor :)

Try harder the next day.


Be kind to one another-Ellen Degeneres

Treat others the way you want to be treated-Golden Rule

Just Keep Swimming-Dori

Shoot for the moon, because even if you miss you'll land among the stars.  I don't know who said this but my favorite teacher wrote this for me on my card for my NHS induction.  

Just laugh at yourself.  

When in doubt, buy the shoes.

Chocolate chip cookies and ABCFamily Christmas movies heal all wounds. The wise me said that :)

"You don't always get to be on the front line, Erin." My dance teacher told me this when I was a know it all senior dancer.  I wanted to be front and center for the show and she bluntly told me this.  I think it is applicable for all sorts of life parallels.  You shouldn't be front and center all the time.  It's not healthy for you.  You will burn out.  I wanted to work so hard to be front and center and my teacher knew this. She knew I needed to relax and not be so hard on myself.  

Wear sunscreen!


Shoes or booze.  You can't have both when going out.


Make an effort and call them.  

Go on trips together.  Experience new things together.  Be together.  Laugh until 3 am, and when your friends ask if you want to go to the diner for fries at 3 am you say YES!

What advice have you been given?  Anything still resonate with you?


Friday, October 10, 2014

Pumpkin Recipe Goodness

I'm super pumped about this link up because I love pumpkin flavored things.  I'm excited to find some new goodies!

How good is pumpkin?  Pumpkin is the glue that really holds fall together.

I like things simple and delicious.  I'm a pumpkin bread kinda girl.  I like the Betty Crocker Pumpkin Bread recipe the best.  It's quick, easy, and time tested.

Best Pumpkin Bread Ever

I add chocolate chips (the whole bag because I'm cool like that) to the mix and bake!

When the cake comes out, I like to drizzle it with vanilla glaze.

This is a Betty Crocker Glaze Recipe, too!


cup powdered sugar
tablespoon milk
teaspoon vanilla

So Delicious!  I hope you enjoy your Saturday!  I'm off to do lesson plans.  Try not to be too jealous :)


If I Were President...

The world would be a much more boring place :)  This is actually something that I've considered.  When I was 7 I had President Barbie.  She was fabulous and ruled the Oval Office!  I also have a major intellectual girl crush on Hillary Clinton.  In 7th grade I did my 7th Grade Research Project on her.  My classmates' reaction?


 I was incensed that not ONE 7th grader was interested.  Can you believe that?  No one cared about an ex-first lady?  What kinda 12 year olds are we dealing with here?  Apparently normal ones :)

Also, last night Jess and I saw Gone Girl.  O-M-G!!  Terrifying!  We left saying, you know what?  Single life ain't so bad.  If you haven't seen it, I highly suggest you do!  Definitely worth the $11 a ticket :) If you did see it, what did you think?  I haven't read the book yet, so I'm curious how it lines up.

So anyway, if I was President, my number one priority would be:

Oh, sorry!  That would be what I would say if I had beauty, and grace, she's Miss United States.  Can we just take a moment to bask in the glory that is Sandra Bullock?

Now for the serious stuff!

1.) Student loan interest rate.  Um, 7%?  For real?  Home loans are 4%!  So lemme get this straight, I am being punished for being educated?  Times are tough my Congresspeople and guess what?  We are 22!  We have no money!  More importantly, we didn't even elect (most) of you.  Why are you beating the new generation of adults by killing us with debt?  No thanks!  I am beyond blessed to have my job and I make a great salary.  I pay a lot of money on my loan every month to try to squish it down (does anyone else feel like that number never gets lower?!) and I don't love that I could be saving that money for a house.  Why not lower the interest rate and help a voter out?  By the way Congresspeople, how are those private planes?  


2.) Dinner with Ellen DeGeneres!  Ellen, if I ever become President, I'm calling you!  You are going to write all of my speeches.  People would love me!

3.) Optional pre-school for everyone starting at age 3.  There is such a difference come kindergarten for students have been to pre-k versus those who have not.  Pre-school would be free and offered to all families.  You would have the option to decline the pre-school offer, but it would still stand.  

4.) Every child would get presents on Christmas.  It makes me sad to know that kids don't get presents on Christmas.  Every trip I take to the mall, I bring a present with me for a child.  

5.) Magazines and advertisements would have to use women of normal size to be the models.  Let's just say that every woman needs to feel represented in our society.  It makes me sad when women (and believe me I do it, too!) beat themselves up over their looks.  It's sad.  It's unfair and it's cruel.  We need to start congratulating each other on making it through the day alive, not tear each other down because society has convinced we're not good enough unless we're a size 0.  

LC has the best eye rolls.  I think they could win any argument about anything.  

6.) Mental health would be taken more seriously.  Suicide, eating disorders, PTSD, bipolar disorder, and all other mental illnesses are serious.  They are real medical conditions.  

7.) Stores wouldn't open until 4 am on Black Friday.  People deserve Thanksgiving off!!  I love Black Friday as much as the next Jersey Girl, but come on!  Thanksgiving is for eating and being with your loved ones--not killing each other over PS2s.  (Are PS2s still cool?  If they're not just insert any trendy gift you want :) )

8.) No children would be hungry, without a warm bed, loving family, or without health care.  (I don't care what your politics say/are (this is not the place to discuss it), BUT every child deserves medicine and care.  That is a human right!)  As a teacher, I can tell you that a well fed, well cared for child, makes a better student.

9.) Politicians and the Pearson Company would take their grubby little fingers out of education!  Would you let a politician perform heart surgery on you?  No.  So why do we allow politicians to infiltrate our schools?  Let teachers teach.  

10.) There would be no homeless veterans.  If you served our country, you should always be taken care of.  Also, there should be better mental health care for our service people.  

11.) No one would use the R word.  As a special education teacher, it breaks my heart to know that my students are insulted by people who use this word.  They are kind, caring, hard-working, and terrific people and they do not deserve to be degraded by a word.  

12.) Apple would have to extend Apple Care for the lifetime of your product.  I think we can all say that at one point or another, we've all been screwed by the Big Mac Co.  

13.)  The Phillies would win the World Series at least once a decade and I would get to attend.

14.) M&Ms and Cheesecake Factory would have no calories :)


15.) Women would receive equal rights, equal pay, and equal opportunities.  


16.) Everyone would get the chance to marry who they love.   I've said it before and I'll say it again as a single woman I know that it is hard to find someone to love you, and if you are blessed enough to have found that, then good for you!  You should be able to celebrate that love openly and legally!  

17.)  Nothing would start before 10 am.  Life is better after 10 am. 


These would be my 17 things!  What would y'all do?  I love that a group of strong women are discussing the realities of a woman President.  Snaps for us!  

Keep your head, heels, and standards high!
