Monday, November 11, 2013

Thankful For Our Vets

Happy Veterans Day!

To start:  a 4th grade vignette.
ME:  Boys and girls do you know what holiday it is today?
ALL: Veterans' Day!
ME:  Why is it important to celebrate and remember Veterans' Day?
Student A: To remember all that have served.
ME:  Yes, very good.  It's important to be thankful for them.  Anyone else?
Student B:  Yes we celebrate because they gave us our freedom and everything we want to do we can do because of them.
ME:  Yes, you are right.
Student C:  We should all say thank you to Uncle Si.
Other Students: Laughing
ME:  Yes, Uncle Si did serve in our armed forced.
Student C:  Yes he served in the Vietnam War.  He fought.  He calls it 'Nam though.
ME:  Yes, he did fight in the Vietnam War and sometimes it is called 'Nam.

And who said Duck Dynasty isn't informative?   Love 4th grade!

Anyway, today I want to take a moment to thank our veterans for their service!  Thank you for all that you do for us and all that your service will bring us.  We are so thankful and grateful for all of your service and your sacrifices.  We love you more than you will ever know!

My family's personal military background is interesting.  My paternal grandfather was a Captain in the USAF.  He flew B52's and my first semester in college I read about one of his missions in a book!  I was super pumped and shared my excitement with the class.  (They weren't nearly as excited as I was but, that is usually the case)  Love you Grandpa Kitley!  We couldn't be prouder of you!  We know you are flying around Heaven in your plane.  My maternal grandfather was in the Navy.

Personally, I have been a Navy girlfriend and let me tell you, it is the hardest thing in the world.  We need to also remember all of those serving at home.  The wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, girlfriends, boyfriends, fiancés, and fiancees, children, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, grandparents who are home and holding down the fort.  They are heroes, too.

I'm thankful for the military men and women who fight to give us our freedoms, liberties, and everyday little things that we often times take for granted.  Thank you!  We love you!  Welcome home!  We support you always and pray for your safe homecoming!

In high school I studied under a fabulous teacher who taught a class on the Vietnam Era.  She brought in Vietnam Veterans to speak to us about their lives and careers and what it was really like to be soldiers.  The class was brilliant and it opened our 21st century eyes to a different world.  A world where the boys in our senior class would be drafted to war.  A world where we didn't all love our military men and women.  I learned a lot from this class.  The most important thing I have learned is to thank a vet and welcome them home.  They are the reason we are able to walk around this country freely.  They are the reason we are able to enjoy millions of little freedoms and happinesses. hot are our military men??  I swoon.  :)  Who doesn't love Navy Dress Whites?

So, from my heart to all our veterans,  Happy Veterans' Day!  Thank you to all who have served.  All who are serving.  And all that will serve.  WE LOVE YOU!  We wouldn't be here without you.

Love Always,


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