Saturday, March 26, 2016

Phillies 5k

Hoppy Easter Weekend!!

So...I'm the worst blogger ever.  I used to be good at this, but then I grew up, got a big girl job that I LOVE and completely ran out of free blogging time.


Today I ran the Phillies 5k!  If you know anything about me you know a few things

1.) I LOVE baseball
2.) I LOVE running

Put these things together and you get one happy Erin.

I had to do some mayyyjahhh convincing to sway Deb into letting me run this race.  We usually head down to Virginia to visit the brother on Easter Saturday, but she generously allowed me to run as long as I promised to be home by 10 am.  No greater PR motivator than an angry mama for 5 hours in a car.  Yikes!

By the time I convinced her, the race was up to $50.  That's usually more than I spend on a 5k, but the buy in included:  2 100 level seats to 2 different games, a 20% coupon to the Majestic Club House (hello new running jacket), a free app at Xfinity Live, a medal, and post-race snacks.  You also get to walk around the warning track to cool down.  Since I have no kids under 12 and am not a senior citizen, this is my only *legal* opportunity to go on the field.  I seriously think people have kids for 2 reasons: their Halloween candy the bases at professional baseball games

The race was super fun and well organized.  They gave you multiple options for packet pick up, easy to swap game tickets, and a chance to walk around the field!  The runners were a good mixture of competitive and casuals.

Phillies shoe wine holder?!  Does this scream Erin or what??
The race also started at 9 am which was nice because then I didn't have to get up super early.  Parking was a breeze (and FREE) and as we walked to the starting line we passed pretzel vendors (gotta love Philly) who also had COTTON CANDY!  Swoon.

The race started at the stadium and had us run around CBP and then under the 95 overpass and through FDR park.  There was one water station and I (unsuccessfully) guzzled some water.  Can anyone tell me how they manage to actually get the water into their mouth?  I end up looking like a rabid dog trying to lap up water.every.single.time.  I end up wearing the water on my shirt like a boss dork.  The race course was really fun.  It was a good mix of scenery and was all pavement running.  The race ended with us coming up Broad Street and having to run a minor hill before we went down hill to the finish line.  There were multiple bands playing to encourage us, but minimal spectators.  No signs either.  The signs are really motivating so I definitely missed them.

Of course the Phanatic was there to officially start the race.

Oh hey, Big Buddy!
Once we finished, we were greeted with our medals, a bottle of water and our choice of either a soft pretzel or a banana.  I rolled with the pretzel because, let's face it, I wasn't going to make the 10 am departure time requested by Deb so I figured I'd bring her a pretzel peace offering.  If you're wondering it worked like a charm ;)

Peace Offering

The coolest medal!

It's a baseball cap
After catching my breath and guzzling the water, I went down the tunnel to the field.  It was pretty cool being in the tunnel.  I got to walk the warning track from 1st base, around home plate, and up to 3rd base.

View from the field
I asked one of the sweet ushers to take my picture, but it was kind of a weird picture.  Note to self, always ask a girl to take the pic.  We know the good angles.  Guys are like, whatever you're in the frame and it clicked so it's good enough.

Awkward post race pic
Baseball season is right around the corner :)
Post-race view 

The race was really good.  I didn't PR, but I finished in 22:43, 172nd out of 6,000 entrants, 8th female overall, and 25th in my age group.  Not too shabby for my first race of the season.

Phanatic Love

A lot of people ask me if there's a difference between short races and long races.  I think short and long races are totally different animals.  My longest races have been half marathons and my shortest races have been 5ks.  Here's how they are different:

  • Half Marathons require a whole lifestyle change.  You need to change your approach to eating, sleeping, and training.  When I'm in "training season" I cut out all processed sugar and alcohol. I also up all smart carbs--hello, baked sweet potatoes!  I also get up to run 5 miles a day Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.  Sundays are dedicated to long runs.  Speed isn't as important as endurance.  I try to get an hour of cardio in a day just to teach my body how to withstand the 1:45-2 hours it will take me to run the half marathon.
  • Halves let you find your pace.  You eventually settle into a pace that is comfortably uncomfortable for you.  I usually end up running those miles in about 8:10-8:14.  I'm tired, but not out of breath.
  • Halves require less food before the race...for me anyway.  Before halves I usually eat a homemade breakfast cookie.  Nothing too heavy or big because I'll get sick.  I usually eat this about 5 minutes before the race.  No water before a long run if it's in the am.  
  • 5ks are more about speed. I sprint the entire thing.  My pace usually falls within the 7-7:20 range.  
  • 5ks also require more food...for me anyway.  I eat oats, almond milk, 1 oz walnuts/almonds/pecans or whatever other nuts we have on hand, cinnamon, and a splash of vanilla.  I ate this about 2 hours before the race.  I also drank about 4 cups of water before this race.  
  • I don't refuel carbs wise while running halves or 5ks so in that respect they're the same.  

I'm off to VA now to visit Dylan!  I'm hoping there's some biscuits in my future!  And maybe some ice cream from Kline's...

This race made me even MORE excited about the upcoming season.  April 11th can't come soon enough.  Padre and I are going to the game on April 12th for Opening Night.  Hello free tee and Dollar Dogs (for Dad...I eat before the game)!  I'll also be there next Saturday for a Future's Game!  We also have tickets for Runner's Day!



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