Friday, January 29, 2016

Things I'm Loving Friday #4

Happy FriYay!!

Why do short weeks always feel infinitely longer than full weeks?

Raise your hand if you're ready for the weekend?


This week has been a jam packed non-stop train ride of crazy!  Even my never-sit-down-run-around-all-active-crazy self is looking forward to the weekend and some chill time.

This weekend is pretty low-key, babysitting, some hang time with the girls, and running some errands.

BUUUUUUTTTTTT before the weekend comes Friday!  Here are the things that I am loving this week.

1.)  Amanda's Bachelorette Party Weekend! 

Can you guess where we're going?  

I'll give you some hints:

-Will Smith penned a tome about this great city
-Khloe and Kourtney opened a DASH here
-Don Johnson had a show called __ __ __ __ __ VICE
-They tried and failed with a Real Housewives franchise here

Can ya guess it?


Welcome to Miami!  

Awwwww yeah!  

New bathing suits, big hats, and cute dresses here we come!  Amanda and Tony's bridal party are both going to Miami together...we're splitting up as soon as the plane lands!  I can't wait because who doesn't want to enjoy the sun, surf, and sand with your besties?  Count.  Me.  IN!

2.) TVLand's Teachers

OMG!  It's a total satire of everyday teacher life and I'm obsessed!  They say everything you as a teacher want to say, but can't!  The show follows the school lives of 6 fictional teachers and their classes navigating everyday school life and problems.  As you can imagine hilarity ensues as the writers explore real life teacher problems such as:  superintendent visits, picture day, and anti-bullying.  The best part of the show is how they call the students Alex B. or Jason P.  The teacher jargon (use quiet hands/make a good choice) kills me.  

The show is on Wednesdays at 10:30 on TVLand.  

Also, I'm no longer mad at TVLand for airing Full House and Everybody Loves Raymond reruns and calling it classic television #Imnotthatoldyetthankyouverymuch

Hello!  I watched them live...

3.)  Snow Days and 2 Hour Delays

I love that phone call!  I get to sleep in, wake up at the same time and relish in the do-nothing-but-sit-around-time.  

2 hour delays are just as glorious...even if they do make the kiddos confused.  My kids couldn't understand why they were going to lunch after spending just one hour in school.  

4.)  Purple Sweet Potatoes

HOLY DELICIOUS!  I had about 4 this week and I can't.get.enough!  They're a delicious way to add some smart carbs to your the purple color is GAWWWWJUSSS!  

5.)  Chana Masala

Whole Foods does it well!  I've had a slight obsession with this since I discovered it this summer.  I'm pretty sure it translates to Amazingly Delicious!  It's spicy heaven.

6.)  Juicer Is BAAAACK!!

It's been back for about a week and I'm loving having my daily juice again.  


What have you all been loving lately?

Happy FriYAY!


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