Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Brunch Bunch

Hey hey hey!

Happy Tuesday everyone! 

I hope my Jewish friends had a happy New Year! 

My TCNJ friends and I met up for a brunch at our lovely friend Sam's house. Sam is our grownup friend aka she's married, a teacher, and lives in her own apartment. I'm a half grown up 😀. She's super crafty and a DIY pro so her house is beautiful and unique and basically a Pinterest Board. I'm convinced she's part Martha Stewart because everything is perfect and decorated down to the most minute detail. She's #flawless. 

We haven't seen each other as a group on so long so when Sam proposed a brunch we all jumped on the opportunity. 

Corrine drove us to the brunch and driving to North Jersey is ALWAYS an adventure. 

We chose this for our soundtrack 

Solid!  We jammed to BSB greatest hits on the way home.  we all remarked that it's funny how when the old school jams come on we can still remember all the words and all the moves to the music video, but we can't remember why we went into a room. 

We passed this guy...

A mobile grilled cheese truck!!

We each brought something to sample and Sam made quiches. I brought my Paleo chocolate banana bread--'twas a hit. 

Our spread!  So much fresh fruit and veggies. I also tried tzsiki for the first time. I think I fell in love a little. 

I also had one pumpkin Munchkin. Pretty good, but I'm not a big doughnut girl. 

We hung around and chatted for a few hours and caught up on life. It's funny how many good stories you get to tell and listen to when all of your friends are passionate teachers. We end up talking about our kids and our jobs and swapping ideas/resources/techniques. It's great to be surrounded by such a positive group of ladies. 

We shared vacation and summer stories and just soaked up the quality time. Twas perfection. 

Of course there was a photo session. 

TCNJ knew what they were doing when they put us all together. 

Clearly we're mature 
How we acted during class...until the teacher turned around. 

Monday is kind of dull without the girls coming over for Bachelor Monday. BUT Eagles football is back!! I watched the game after Zumba and a weights session. 

I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful fall weather! 



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