Happy Almost Halloween Night!!
So you know I'm a sub and sometimes I get a call to work the night before. Thank God I got the call tonight and not tomorrow at 6 am. Being a sub sometimes puts you in a strange position. You aren't really a member of the school but you are there a lot and should participate in the school culture. Since Halloween falls into the category of school culture, I think I should dress up. So my dilemma comes now. I've never been a fan of slutty clothes to begin with and I am never one to wear them on Halloween. (Last year I was Miss Dolly Parton) So now I have a dilemma. What do I wear? I can't run out and get a costume because all the good ones will be picked over and no one wants to go as this was the last thing Target had so I had to buy it. Secondly, the World Series is on and I don't wanna run to Target to get a Halloween themed shirt. Plus, on Mischief Night they only have the sizes XXL and XXS...and I am neither of those sizes. Also, I don't wanna be that boring teacher who wears teh black sweater with the orange scarf. She's no bueno and people probably think she's "ugly and boring. And you button are none of those things," (Legally Blonde quotes...always applicable) Unfortunately, I quickly eliminated my spirit animal Dolly Parton but, you can't walk around with Dolly's eh hem twins at school...you could poke an eye out! So I went to choice number 2: Real Housewife of NJ. Sparkly dress? Check! Loubs? Check! Teased Big Hair? Um...duh check! But alas, table flipping is inappropriate for children. Option 3: Carrie Bradshaw. The title of her iconic feminist show eliminates that one. Teen Mom: Probably shouldn't bring up the inappropriate, yet topical and PSA worthy, topic of teen pregnancy. Choice 4: Honey Boo Boo. I think I'd need a little more than 12 hours to create the masterpiece that would be Honey Boo Boo in all her costume glory. So now I move to my spirit animals: Jackie O and Kate Middleton. Do I own enough preppy clothes to pull them off? Absofreakinglutely! But, alas, I'm a blonde. Halloween is the only time I wish I was a brunette. My costume choices would be so easy!! I'd be Jackie every year! Katniss? Nope, no weapons in school. (And really, is Katniss half as cool if you can't bring the quiver?) Daisy Buchanan? No, can't be a flapper in 5th grade. Elin Woods? Nope, even though I have the costume I don't think marital infidelity is a school appropriate topic. Now I'm left with my favorite movie of all time: Legally Blonde. If anyone is my spirit animal it's Elle Woods. I don't have enough time to tell you why she is my life idol. Elle is the easiest costume to create at 8:00 the night before. I'm going to wear my pink tweed Lilly skirt, a pink overcoat, my pink Kate Spade bag, nude pumps, and I'm debating between my Harvard tee and my pink sweater...decisions decisions.
I'm going to wear this to my class tomorrow night, too!! Get ready assistive tech! Elle Woods is here!! P.S. I'm bringing candy! I'm not as much a Halloween fan as I am a December/Christmas is soon fan! Also, I hope I get to eat some treats tomorrow!!
Well, wish me luck everyone!!
Happy Halloween,
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Halloween 2012! |
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