Sunday, July 14, 2013

Summer Lovin'

Soooooo, it's no secret that I've been kinda down for about a month.  Nothing really bad, but just a hiccup of sadness.  If you've read my other posts you probably have realized that something I wanted to work out didn't.  But, guess what?  It's time to live by a motto said in my favorite movie Legally Blonde, "If you're going to let one stupid jerk (edited) ruin your life, you're not the girl I thought you were,".  So I'm doing what I do best...compartmentalize.  I don't know if it's a good quality or a bad quality but I'm very good at compartmentalizing my feelings.  So I'm gonna lock that away and enjoy my upcoming Summer of Erin!  (To all of the people that got that Seinfeld reference...I applaud you :))

My summer from here on out is going to be fabulous!  I am gonna be suuuuper busy, because Type A ladies can't do it any other way!

Things I'm Looking Forward To:

7/15...Bachelorette Viewing Party With Cait!
-Chardonay? Check!
-Brownies? Check!
-Bachelorette? Check!

7/16...Momma and Erin's Day of Fun (again any FRIENDS reference getters I applaud you!)
-Farmer's Market for fresh veggies and fruit and my favorite...Green Detox Juice? Check!
-Friendly's Sundaes with coupons? Check!
-Honey Boo Boo Premiere? Check!
-Covert Affairs Premiere? Check!

7/18...Cara and Erin's Roomie Reunion!
-Applebee's Wings? Check!
-Dessert Shooters? Check!

7/19...Taylor concert with Kate & Dev!
-Xfinity for dinner? Check!
-Jamming out to our girl Tay Tay at the Linc? Check!

7/20...Deb's bday!
-Happy Birthday to my favorite Momma!
-Babysitting my favorite current babysittees!

7/21...Iron Pigs Game with Daddy!
-Watching future Phillies players for $8? Check!

7/22...Latest Possible Day My New Lilly Planner Will Arrive!
-I heart Lilly!

7/26...Miranda Lambert Concert with Jess!
-Dierks and Miranda, could life be better?  Check!

7/27...1968 exhibit with my Momma Deb!
-Philly? Check!
-60's history? Check!

8/10...Blake Concert with Jess!
-Jamming to Blake? Check!

8/12...Leaving for NOLA!
-Visiting Zach for the second year in a row? Check!

8/14...Leaving NOLA :(
-Sad sad day :( but at least I get to go to the Atlanta airport where the BEST food in the world is!  Love me some Domino's Pizza!

8/16...Leave for Nashville!
-Country Music Mecca? Check!

8/23...Come home from Nashville :(
-Sad sad sad day :(

8/24...Get hair cut and Jason Aldean concert with Kate!
-Fully blonde again!
-Jason Aldean concert? Check!
-Jam time!

8/27...Start Last Year of College :)
-Grad school baby!

So all in all I can't wait for these upcoming weeks!



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