Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Travel Confessions

Happy Hump Day!

     I hope you're all having a great day!  I went to get a physical today (at 9 am because apparently I think I'm a morning person and I most certainly am not) and all was bueno.  My last physical was in October and they did the usual and I was 142 pounds.  No biggie I'm 5'8", but today, I was 136 pounds.  It's funny what giving up soda and candy will do for you.  Also my BMI was down from 23 to 20.  Whole, healthy foods surely do the trick.

    Today's link up is all about confessing our dirty laundry.  Well since I'm all things travel this week I figured I would give you all a sneak peek at my travel confessions.  Leggggo!

1.) Before I go on a trip I check to see if the hotel has a gym.  I find that even though I'm walking much more than I usually would be on a non-trip day, I still need my cardio and weights time to fully relax and breathe.  Sometimes I can't find this information on the website so I call.  I actually call the hotel.  I can't wait 3 days until I'm physically in the vicinity to find out?  Nope!  Welcome to the mind of a Type A human.

2.) I buy unnecessary things.  Like this water bottle below.

Sure it's adorable (PINK!) and totally functional and a great idea.  (Mostly because I'm cheap and am under no circumstances paying $15 a day to feed drink my water consuming habit.)   Did I need a new water bottle?  No.  Do I have a few water bottles in the cabinet that I could have used?  Sure.  Are they as cute?  Noooooooo!  I also spent $10 on Larabars this week for vacation breakfasts.  Which brings us to....

3.) I shkeeve over vacation breakfasts.  I'm sorry but what could be grosser than a continental breakfast at  a hotel?  I mean everyone has touched those pastries.  The fruit?  It's clearly frozen and treated.  Since I'm allergic to yogurt and milk products I can't have any of that nonsense.  I suppose I could eat the Cheerios (the only healthy cereal option...beware of the sneaky granola...SO.MUCH.SUGAR) but they're usually all out of Cheerios.  So I BYOB-bring my own breakfast.  Chocolate chip cookie dough Larabars.

4.) I'm the worst packer.  The.ABSOLUTE.WORST.PACKER.  I over pack.  I will post a video of myself packing tomorrow just so you can see how terrible I am at it.  My suitcase even has an endearing name Big Pink, because she is the biggest TSA allowed suitcase.  The irony of the situation is that even though I over pack and my family yells at me for using such a big suitcase, I actually end up wearing/using all the things I pack.  hehehehe

5.) I like to plan out every aspect of the trip.  I like to know what I'm doing every day, where we're eating, and when we're doing all of these exciting adventures.  I love looking at restaurants and their menus.  I like to see what museums, places, and parks are nearby.

6.) On the drive to and from vacation I binge watch old Real Housewives DVDs.  I'm bringing Season 2 of RHONJ this time.  I find that these work better than movies because they are longer.

7.) I buy all the magazines!  I already get US Weekly, Glamour, and Cosmo, sent to the casa so I have those on lock, but I buy a whole bunch of other ones.  I'll probably grab a Self, Shape, Allure, InStyle anything glossy and fabulous.  I usually don't even read all of said magazines because I'm watching RHONJ or reading a book on the beach.  I can't read the mags on the beach because the sunscreen and ink mix and well...let's just say I'm no stranger to the cover-of-a-magazine-transferred-onto-my-leg sexiness hot mess.

8.) I take wayyyyy too many touristy pictures.  Pic in front of the Liberty Bell?  Independence Hall?  Washington Monument?  Check, check, and check.  I'm such a goober and I don't even care.  I'm all about the selfies in front of a landmark.

Deb and me at the Washington Monument 

Zach obliging my love of touristy pics and taking a pic of me
"driving the streetcar"

Zach and me in front of Saint Louis' Cathedral 

Does anyone else have any weird vacay things?  Or does the non-dairy cheese stand alone?



Tuesday, July 29, 2014

All Things Erin

Happy Tuesday!

Life here in Casa de Kitley is caarraaayzzyyy!  We're all having serious cases of vacay brain.  Vacay brain is a serious medical condition with symptoms including:

  • compulsive list making aka my snack list/shopping list/packing list all seem to converge in my food journal
  • laundry cycling-usually I'm the culprit of leaving my clothes in the dryer for minutes days after they're done, but not now!  I'm plugging and chugging my vacay needed clothes in and out of the washer and dryer like a champ!
  • Needless spending-I NEED that new OPI Race Red nail polish and I won't sleep until I find it.  Do I need another $10 a bottle red nail polish?  Nope, but vacay brain says I do!
  • Penny Arcade at TD BANK-Does anyone else save all their coins and then go to Penny Arcade the week of their vacay to cash in their change for some vacay moolah?  It's one of my favorite vacay traditions!  I usually end up with about $50.  Not. Too. Shabby.
  • Forgetting to drop things at the dry cleaner-I have about 3 dresses out right now and I forgot about 2 more...maybe I'll feel ballsy and wash them by hand?  Or maybe I'll ask Deb?  Probably gonna do the latter because she's better at that than me.  Apparently you don't use Dove Pink soap to wash a Lilly?  WHO. KNEW?
  • Staying out of the Deb's way-This is kinda all the time but amplified during Week-Before-Vacay.  Better not to disturb.
Anyway, I hope your life is as crazy in a good way as mine is right now.  I'm super pumped for vacation and can't wait for some much needed and well deserved R&R.  Today's July Blog Challenge is Five Things You Love About Yourself.  Pretty easy because I believe in tooting your own horn every now and then.  Self confidence is key people.  I once heard the saying (from a wise New Jersey you know it's true)


I completely agree.  I feel like we are taught (especially women) to toot our own horn, not pat ourselves on the back, well guess what?  Life is hard (get a helmet.  I miss you Boy Meets World) and every once in a while we need to say, Self, you did good today.  It's just healthy.  Some people call these daily affirmations, I call them just getting through the day.  Ladies and Gents, let's give ourselves a pat on the back and toot our own horn.

*Side Story*-When I taught dance, I used to conclude every class with having my students give themselves a round of applause, pat themselves on the back and toot their own horn.  I mostly taught the little baby ballerinas so we would actually clap in a circle, pat ourselves on the back, and make a train whistle motion.  Corny?  Absolutely, but also necessary.  Kids need to know that they did a good job and that they are improving because of hard-work--not just plain talent.

So here are some of my favorite things about myself.

My Master's Degree

Hell yeah I'm proud of myself!  I worked my booty off for 5 years to earn that gorgeous piece of embossed paper.

I like my determination.  I like that I work hard and don't quit until I get what I want.  I know what I want and what I deserve and I won't stop until I get there.  Sure I drive myself insane, but at least I have drive.

My feminist self.  I love being a feminist.  Feminists don't hate men.  We just want to be treated as equals.  We want to live in a world where we can walk down a street at 4 am and not worry about getting attacked.  We want equal rights in health care, family life, work life, and politics.

Being a special education teacher.  I love that my job allows me to help children develop, grow, and learn everyday.  It's such an important job and I'm glad and humbled by the fact that I get to be a part of their lives.

My sense of humor.  I love making people laugh.  It's one of my favorite things to do.  If it's by tripping (something I do mostly in sneakers...I've never tripped in all the heels I've ever worn), or by saying crazy off the wall things, or by making comments about things--I just love making people laugh.  I think making someone laugh is like giving them a little brain vacation.  Temporarily, they get to leave the sad moment they're in and laugh.


My blonde hair!  In case you haven't heard the song yet, Miranda Lambert wrote a song called Platinum it's all about the joys of being a blonde.  I like that people underestimate blondes--because I like proving them wrong.  I like being a tough cookie and working hard to prove myself.  Below you can find the link to the's amazing!

You'll love it!  Promise on my blonde hair!  Who wouldn't love the lyric What doesn't kill you makes you blonder?  Platinum!  Did you get my pun?  I'm a dork?  I know :)

Hope you have a fab day!



Monday, July 28, 2014

A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words

It's Oxymoron Day aka Happy Monday!

I hope you all had a great weekend!  I did!  On Friday, Jess and I went to Seasons 52 for dinner.  


In case you haven't heard of Seasons 52 (like me up until a few years ago) I'll tell ya little bit about food heaven.  It's a healthy restaurant with all natural ingredients and every item has less than 430 calories.  Right up my alley y'all!

This was my second trip to Food Heaven and I because I'm boring ordered the same thing as last time
Barbecue Chicken Salad!!  Now I'm usually not a salad orderer for dinner at restaurants, but I make a huge exception at Food Heaven.  This salad is not just a salad--it's out of this world!  Jess and I agreed that we actually missed our salads when they were gone.  

First, we ordered a goat cheese and artichoke flatbread...

It was every bit as foodgasmic as you would think!

Then, we got some salads!  I had BBQ chicken and Jess had a salmon salad.  


No meal is complete in Erinland without dessert so these happened...

A mocha frappacino thingy for Jess

A S'mores mini for me

It was disgusting ;)

They are like mini desserts.  If you're super classy like me and you lerve Applebee's then you know the jyst.

Saturday was bueno.  I tutored and then went to the gym for a killer elliptical sesh.  After the gym I headed home to get ready for a graduation party!  The party was so much fun and also so weird!  I used to babysit the graduation girl and now she's graduating high school and going to college?!  So crazy!  We made the seamless transition from babysitter-babysittee to friends.  She's going to do such amazing things and I'm so proud of her!

Today's post (which I have been lacking during this whole July Blog Challenge thing) is 3 pictures.  My favorite picture that I've taken, my favorite selfie, and 1 of my favorite things.

My favorite thing?
Family Vacations!  This was taken last year in Nashville

Favorite Picture I've Taken
My Master's Degree photo!
5 long years baby and it finally paid off<3

Favorite Selfie!
This was taken last year at a Phillies game

Tonight I have a big night planned!  Cait and I are getting salads at Panera and cheesecake at Cheesecake Factory (the healthy salad negates the cheesecake, right?) and then we're having a double header Bachelorette Night.  We missed last week's episode so we will have 5 hours of Bachelorette fun planned!  So. Excited.


 It will without a doubt be...



Happy Monday and the start of the last week of July?!  How can that be?  




Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Great Body Debate

Happy Thursday!

I hope all of you are doing well today!  Just 24 hours and it will be Friday afternoon and almost time for the weekend!  I hope you all have super fun plans.  I have a dinner with Jess and a graduatoin party for a girl I used to babysit who now is a gorgeous soon to be college freshmen. I'm proud to say that we're now friends and she still is like my little sister.  So excited for her!  College was the best 5 years of my life and I'm excited for all the memories that she is going to make.  But in reality, I do feel really really old!  How can my little babysittee be graduating from high school?!

Anyway, today is a link up that I am very excited about.  I think it is a serious conversation (way more serious than most things you will find on this little bloggy) that is extremely important.  The topic today is body image.  Body image.  Two little words that plague most of the human (eh hem mostly female) population.  I will be the first to admit that I am not immune to the body image or as I like to call it Body War:  Forever.  Raise your hand if you feel like there are times when you are at complete war with your body?


I do.  Every day I feel like I am on a hamster wheel of chasing "the perfect body".  And everyday I lose this game, this battle, this war, this epic war against humanity.  Because that's what it is.  It's a war against women and humanity.  My struggle with weight began when I was in middle school.  I was always an active kid.  I danced 3 nights a week since I was 7 years old (before that was one-two days a week since I was three), I practiced Kenpo Karate from the time I was 6 until I was 12, I played basketball from the time I was in kindergarten until 8th grade, I swam from 3rd grade to 7th grade, and I played soccer for a few years.  I was an active kid with an active kid body.  I was a size zero from the time I was in 5th grade until 9th grade.  I wore those size 0 pants as a badge of honor.  I was proud to be the skinniest kid in class.  I weighed about 100 pounds and was 5'8".  I was awkward and gangly but when I looked at the models, girls my age (13-15), they were my size.  They were my size and they were models. They were perfect--something my Type-A personality strived to be.  I remember how closely I wold judge my body when I changed into my size XS Soffee shorts for cheer practice in 8th grade.  If I had even a smidge of fat hanging over the non-forigiving waist band I would "diet".  Thus beginning my downward spiral and negative relationship with food.  Let me preface this with no one, not a single person, ever told me I was fat or needed to lose weight.  This was/is/will always be something in my head.  

My "diet" for most of 6th-8th grade consisted of Cheerios for breakfast, Smartfood popcorn and a water bottle for lunch, and then half of whatever we ate for dinner.  Total calorie count?  Around 1,000.  I also downed a soda with dinner because I needed energy.  Something 1,000 calories of processed crap doesn't give you.  Go figure.  Do you want to know why I ate 1,000 calories?  Beacuse I read in a People magazine that Jennifer Garner ate 1,200 calories a day.  I thought ok, she's thin but I want to be thinner.  So I went with 1,000.  Also I only drank 2 bottles of water a day because I was afraid of "water weight".  Sick.  I now drink 100s of ounces of water a day.  

My exercise plan, as laid out by aforementioned People told me that these stars exercise 4-6 hours a day.  SO What Did I Do?  I exercised 4-6 hours a day.  Every. Single. Day. I not only went to five times a week cheerleading practice (2 hours a day), but then I went to dance class (45 minutes to 1.5 hours 3 times a week) followed by basketball practice for 2 hours twice a week.  Then, I did an hour of cardio OnDemand followed by a half hour of yoga and half hour of Pilates.  Pretty sick.  Sure I maintained my size 0 status, but I wasn't healthy.  I felt that if I went over 100 pounds I was done.  Done with cheerleading, done with dance, done, done, done.  I began to realize this was crazy.  I remember crying really hard when I went to the mall and bought a size 27 Levi's 501.  That was insane.  A size 27?  I had failed. I was no longer perfect.  I remember feeling so badly about myself that day at Kohl's.  

Later that week, my 8th grade math teacher passed out our report cards.  I received a B.  A B?!  Are you freaking kidding me? Now my perfect A streak was over.  My immediate thought was, if you were skinnier, that size 0, you would have gotten an A.  That is insane and I now know it.  I started working on my "diet" again and working out like crazy.  I once did 1,000 sit ups 3 times a week while I watched TRL.  (The good ones with Carson Daly) Why did I do this?  Because Britney Spears did 1,000 sit ups thrice a week.  Note to self-seek help when you start making lifestyle choices because Ms. Spears tells you it's a good idea.  

Then, high school started.  I started cheering 5 days a week, dancing 3 days a week, and lifting weights twice a week.  Suddenly, my little 8th grade body began to be a muscle machine.  Cheerleading does that to you.  I remember trying on my Sweet 16 dress at Jessica McClintock and crying because it was a size 3. A freaking size 3 made me cry!?  I started hating the very muscles that enabled me to be a great cheerleader and dancer. 

Suddenly I became incensed that my size 0 jeans didn't fit my new athletic and womanly shape.  I had hips and boobs and a booty.  I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that I didn't look like the size 0 little kid body I once had.  

As high school wore on I began to feel better about myself.  College was pretty good, too.  Suddenly I was surrounded by people who cared more about grades, academia, and education than how much they weighed.  These were good people to be surrounded by.  I also was surrounded by healthy choices.  I ate healthy proteins, healthy fats, and healthy foods at every meal.  I also visited the gym regularly and established a healthy routine.  I was teaching dance (a job I loved and desparately miss) and therefore felt a responsiblity to be a good healthy role model for the little girls who told me weekly, "Miss Erin when I grow up I want to be you."  I started making healthier choices.  Every time I felt the need to "diet" to lose 3 pounds, I would say to myself, what if so and so saw you?  What would they think of their hero?  That was powerful stuff.  

Then I turned 22.  My super-high metabolism slowed down a little and suddenly I actually had to work out if I wanted to keep myself a size 2.  When I lived in my own apartment in college I cooked three meals a day for myself and rarely ate out.  I still drank a soda a day and ate chocolate but most of my eats were clean.  I learned how to cook healthy meals.  I still cried when I didn't fit into my size 2 pants, but also was surprised that now I could easily run 5 miles a night.  I began seriously weight training and felt even better about my newly defined arms.  I hadn't had guns like these since my high school cheerleading days.  

Now I feel like I do fight a battle against my body.  I know that it is unrealistic to wish to be that 13-year-old size 0 girl that I was 10.5 years ago.  I'm a woman and I love that I have a woman's body because it means I can one day have a baby and live an active life.  I now work out daily and eat very healthy foods.  I don't drink soda anymore and I consume way more than 1,000 calories a day.  I feel good about myself--for the most part.  Sure I have some moments where I go what is that?  Where did that come from?  Recently I started asking myself what I would really accomplish if I lost 5 pounds.  How would I feel?  Then the scariest thing ever happened.  I said, "I'd be happy!"  HAPPY?  Are you kidding me?  I'd be happy if I lost 5 pounds?  What do I have to be unhappy about?  I have a body that lets me train for half marathons, dance, lift weights, laugh, stretch, and play.  I have a family and friends that most would be jealous of.  I have a life that is better than anything I could have imagined.  I have a Master's degree and have had a world class education.  I'm  a blessed woman.  From those blessings I should find my happiness--not from a number.  I'll be compeltely honest with y'all here:

Erin's stats

Weight-140 pounds
Dress size-2/4
Bra size-34 C/D depending on their mood.  Does anyone else have boobs that vary depending on their mood?  Mine do.  
Shoe size-8.5

I think we should all take time to say one thing we love about our bodies.  I love my legs and my arms.  They are long and toned from lifting weights and years of dancing.  They are healthy and strong.  Sure my thighs are thicker than Jennifer Aniston's, I don't have a thigh gap, and I have cellulite on them.  But guess what?  They are mine and I am fortunate to have them.  Sure I'd love my stomach to be flatter and my 6 pack to be more defined (I can feel it under the layer of sugary sweets that have claimed my stomach as their home) but guess what?  When I was a size 0 I wasn't happy!  I was miserable.  I am much happier now as a size 4 than I was then.  So let's all say screw the magazines, the models, the media, the public.  Do you know what the public wants us to look like?  

This girl!  This is NOT HEALTHY!  I don't want this body!  


This is rambly.

This is not fat.


She's hot, no?!  

We all need to take a beat and realize that health is more important than skinny.  We don't all need to rock a 6 pack and ripped arms.  We need to find happiness outside of our body image.  We as women have so much to be proud of.  By design we are beautiful.  We are also smart, funny, kick-ass, and awesome!  We need to find a sense of purpose, self, and happiness  in something besides our bodies and our sizes.  Ladies raise your forks to a life where we are not judged by our sizes.  To a life where we don't walk down the street and judge other women and their bodies.  

Happy Body Image Love Day,



Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Hey Blog Friends,

Sorry I have been MIA this past week but I have been buuuuuzzzzzzyyyyyy!  Hopefully I will have some good news to share with y'all next week.  Fingers crossed for the dream job!!

Today's post is about my current favorites and this couldn't come at a better time because I'm currently doing a lot of laying low.  Today I will be divulging all of my current favorites!


reading-The One and Only by Emily Giffin.  I'm a huge fan of Ms. Giffin and her work.  She's a genius and I love her complex characters.  Pick it up and read it now! 

writing-This bloggy and resumes.  I'm a pro at resume writing and Applitrax questionnaires.  

listening-Platinum by Miranda Lambert.  O.M.G. Great CD!  (Like it was going to be anything less than genius!)  Yes I still buy CDs because I'm old school like Ms. Lambert's Automatic.  Ok, honestly I just like to look at the pictures and the lyrics.  My fave jams are Platinum, Girls, Automatic, Priscilla, and Somethin' Bad.

I also am loving Brantley Gilbert's Just As I Am.  It's everything you could want from a CD!  It has love songs (My Faith in You, Let it Ride) and jams (Guns & Roses, Smalltown Throwdown, 17 Again) No bad songs on this CD.  

thinking-vacation is so soon!  I need a job!  I want to shop!  

smelling-Garlic bread...yummmmmmmm

wishing-for a good phone call next week!  Anything that opens with "Hello, Miss Kitley?  Yes, we would like to offer you a position at ________ elementary school."

hoping-see above 

wearing-loving maxis (duh) and shorts and tanks!  Also, thank you GAP Summer Sale for the new super cozy and bright orange!! sports bra.  I love you and your comfy ways

wanting-seeing wishing and hoping...also some Jack Rogers!

loving-my friends, family, Homeland

needing-sleep!  I'm soooo exhausted right now!  It's 9:30 and I'm tired...gotta get a life!

These are my current faves!  What are your faves!?



Sunday, July 20, 2014

Would You Rather...

Happy Sunday!  I hope your weekend is going well!  Mine is bueno. Here is today's blog postie.  It's a Would You Rather theme.  I usually love this game because it reminds me of 8th grade science.  In 8th grade my teacher--if we had time at the end of class--would ask us Would You Rather questions from a book he had.  It was really fun and a great way to get to know your classmates.  It also made science really interesting.

Here goes!

1. Be blind or be deaf

I'm not answering this because as a special education teacher I don't see either as a detriment or burden.  

2. Be taller than you are or shorter than you are

TALLER!  I'm 5'8 and I'd love to be 6 feet tall!  I have been dumped by guys for being too tall but you know what?  I don't care...I love it!  At 5'8 you fall into this weird place with pants and maxi dresses.  You are too short for the talls, but too tall for the regulars.  Once you find your size and a brand that carries the perfect height, they discontinue the style!  

3. Be a teenager or a senior citizen for the rest of your life

Senior Citizen for sure!  Old people are the best!  I can't wait to be an old lady and wear velour jump suits, hit on the young guys, and curse in public!  Old people get away with everything and I love that!  You couldn't pay me enough to be a teen again.

4. Have no hands or no legs

Again, not going to comment because I don't want to offend anyone 

5. Lose your front teeth or both eyebrows

Front teeth.  I would get them cosmetically put back in/bonded.  My eyebrows are very important to me and I've been coiffing them since 5th grade.  Part of the reason I went to TCNJ was so that I could be close to home so I could have my brows done by a professional who knows whats up with the brow thang.

6. Eat a worm or a cockroach

Worm.  I'd just swallow it and not think about it.  A cockroach seems dirty to me...

7. Spend a day in the Sahara or North Pole

Sahara.  It would be warm there.  I'd pack a lot of sunscreen, lip balm, and wear a Sex in the City 2 inspired outfit.  Hello cute turban!

8. Have a personal chef or a personal driver

Personal chef!  They could cook all the yummy healthy foods I would ever want!  Plus I like driving.

9. Always have to whisper or always have to shout

Shout!  I'm a loud talker anyway (thank you Irish genes!) so I doubt anyone would notice a difference.  

10. Can't taste or can't smell

Can't smell.  Most smells are not pleasant.  A chance to give up B.O., eau de hoagie smell?  I think yes!  Plus I love eating.  

11. Wipe with sandpaper or saran wrap

Saran wrap.  This question is gross, but no sand paper in the eh hem s'il vous plait

12. Have Twitter shut down for a day or your blog disappear for a day
Twitter shut down.  I have a twitter but I rarely use it.  

13. Text of your blog is screwed up or all the pictures you post on your blog are blurry

Screwed up text.  The pix are the best part!

14. Never be able to post another GIF or never be able to receive comments on your posts
Never be able to post another GIF, I like the comments :)

15. Have a permanent wedgie or have the tag on your shirt constantly scratch your neck
Permanent wedgie.  As a retired dancer I am beyond used to tights, hot pants, and bloomers creeping up.  No biggie.  Also, in dance and/or cheer, you can't fix the wedgie problem until you are off the stage/mat so I have a high wedgie tolerance.  TMI??

Happy Sunday!  Today is Deb's birthday so I'm off to enjoy the festivities!



Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!

We made it another week!  Go us!


I have another interview Monday.  I also got rejected from a job I really wanted.  That produced


Today's link up post is "5 Favorites".  It can be 5 favorites of your choice.  I decided to do my 5 favorite TV shows of the summer!  Get ready for some low brow entertainment people.  I picked my 5 favorite summer TV shows because I'm a pale person and burn way too easily to spend any amount of time out in the sun.  I like my TV because I don't burn or get hot and schweaty.

The struggle is very real my friends....VERY REAL!

1.) Real Housewives of New Jersey Sundays at 8 pm BRAVO.  This classic train wreck meets tanned out North Jerseyites has had me hooked since 2009.  I remember binge watching a season of it in my dorm room freshmen year of college and wondering:

The mix of big hair, "In the Italian culture" tag line that is dropped 100 times an episode, and the shear unREAL version of the mythical land that is North Jersey simply intoxicated my 19 year old self.  I have been hooked every since.  Since then I have met the Manzo and Laurita clan, and Teresa.  I am still on a quest to meet Dina, Kathy, and Melissa.  We shall see!  I'm a SoJerz girl so the whole North Jerz thing is kind of new to me.  Honestly, I didn't even know what was up in that part of the state until I went to college and made friends from NorJerz.  They really are like that though!  It's crazy!

I'm lumping Real Housewives of Orange County Bravo Mondays 9 into this tanned out train wreck, too.  This train wreck has been chugging along since it's conception way back when (06 maybe?) and I've been loving it for 3 years.  I was tardy for the party but it's ok because I just am so hooked on it!  I think I like it because I don't actually like anyone on it.  I think all of the women are awful.  I guess the only one I like is Lizzie?  Shannon is ok, but I want to hug her and tell her everything will be ok.  I can't stand some of them, yet I can't abandon them.  Maybe it's the blonde thing?  It unifies us?

2.) Scandal sure this show has been out for a few years but thanks to my lover Netflix I just discovered it!  See in college I worked 3 jobs and therefore took mostly night classes and missed a lot of television.   Well this summer I caught up right quick!  Deb and I marathoned all three seasons and are waiting with white hats perched until September for the return of Pope and Associates.  

3.) Don't Be Tardy Thursdays 9, BRAVO.  Again, trash!  This is the worst reality show in the world but there is something so endearing and gripping about Kim Zolciak's life.  I love Kroy!  Don't we all?  He just seems to adore her and her girls.  I love this show because it is white trash chic and she owns it!  I love how she loves sweat pants, and wigs, and glitter, and all things crazy.  I'm hoooooooked!  I never watched RHOA because it never gripped me, but Kim?  Love Kim!

4.) The Bachelorette Monday 8 pm. ABC.  The best show ever!  I'm loving Andi but I do want a fresh person for the next season of Bachelor/Bachelorette.  New blood Chris Harrison.  Also, I get really sad when I look at Chris' manicured digits and don't see his titanium wedding band.  I don't see why he and Gwen couldn't work it out. I'm still rooting for the MOST.DRAMATIC.REUNION.EPISODE.EVER. when Gwen reappears and asks for him back.  Can't stop dreaming about that!  But seriously, I'm 100% still Team Chris!  I love him.  He's the best guy.  Just all around wonderful!  Now I'm team Josh because Nick is a salty little saltersen and I'm over his moody drama.  I think I also love this show because I get to watch it every week with one of my closest friends.  We gossip, dream, and joke through the episode and it makes it 1,000,000,000 times better!

5.) Homeland I know this show came out years ago, but again see #2.  Deb and I are on season 2 and we love it!  It was a slow start but now we're hooked!  We give each other crap for leaving the hosue and thus barring the other one from watching an episode.  We're crazy cool like that!

I hope you enjoyed my low brow sense of entertainment!  I think I love trashy shows because real life is hard.  Real life sucks.  Reality TV?  I don't hate it!  It's an escape and I love it!  What are your favorite shows?!



Wednesday, July 16, 2014

3 Best Bloggies

Happy Wednesday!

I hope your hump day is fabulous!

Mine is pretty great!  Yesterday I received a call for another interview--Thursday I'm doing double duty in the interview world.  One in the am and one in the pm.  Phew!  I just finished giving a demo lesson and I had another demo yesterday.  Hopefully I'll have good news this weekend?!  Fingers crossed! Keep those prayers a coming!  Thanks for all of your love and support during this time.

Tonight will be the perfect remedy to all of the stress I've been going through--a boat cruise with Ra and Jess!  We're finally getting our rained out Girls' Nite in!  Full recap and photos tomorrow!  Plus I'm finally getting some fudge tonight!  Dylan has been to the beach multiple times and hasn't brought home any fudge...grrrrrr!


I even gave him an order...chocolate with peanut butter cups/swirls!

So today's prompt is my Top 3 Favorite Blogs!  

Here they are...

Melanie is a cancer survivor, Navy wife, and all around funny lady.  I started reading her blog 3 years ago when I was dating a Navy boy and she was great at posting all kindsa info about what to wear when you go to Balls, events, and things to do in Downtown Annapolis.  Loved it!  I've stayed with her after my break up because her story is so endearing!  She's funny and her dogs are so cute!

Gina the Fitnessista is one of my favorite bloggies.  Her recipes are delicious and easy!  She's so funny and her fitness persona is great!  No one wants a fitness blogger to yell at them and make them feel like crap for eating a cookie or drinking a glass of wine.  Gina is a wine lover, chocolate lover, and believes in balance.  Her approach to fitness is that it is a lifestyle.  I couldn't agree more!  She's so motivating but doesn't flash her six pack at you.  There's no thinspiration on her blog.  She is positive and REAL!  She'll tell you that some days she is just not feeling it with exercise.  And she'll take rest days!  She's not one of those fitness bloggers who doesn't take any rest!  She's not go go go no down time Jillian Michaels-esque, she's super fun!  

Julie is like sunshine and rainbows.  Julie is like the pretty Sorority girl that you probably didn't want to like but was so sweeeeeet that you just love her!  Julie, her hubby Ryan, and their dog Sadie are so cute!  She's a fitness blogger who is hilarious and seriously has been in so many weddings it would make Katherine Heigl's rolodex freak out!  She's normal and eats ice cream!  

Those are my 3 faves!  Who do you like to read about?



Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Ladies Who Lake

Happy Tuesday!

Welcome to the Week of Crazy here in my life.  1 demo lesson down, 1 to go, and 1 more interview this week.  I'm crazy excited and hopeful that one of these will work out!  Fingers crossed!

This past weekend was a total blast!  Every month my SPED friends and I try to get together for a girls weekend.  We've been super lucky for the past 3 months in getting together and keeping our graduation promise of seeing each other once a month forEHHHHVEERRRR.  Fingers crossed for the future!  I think we can continue to this tradition if we all really try.  We're all committed to being friends and therefore we'll work out booties off to stay close.

In May we rocked A.C. and June we partied at Sam and Jimmy's wedding and in July we loved the lake!  Jaclyn invited us to her lake house and we all jumped at the chance!

Friday Jess and I drove up to meet our friends.  *We call Jess our adopted SPED because she's a math teacher*  Jaclyn greeted us with fruit and veggie platters, cupcakes, chips and salsa, and GLITTER COCKTAILS!  You know you're in Jersey when your hostess meets you with GLITTER COCKTAILS!

Our precious hostess with the mosses!  She made all of this food for us!

Glitter Cocktails?! So Jersey!

Girlies Grubbing

Lemonade from Mason jars!

After grubbing came prepping for our night out at the Lake!

The SPEDS!  
All of us!
The blondes!

We had such a fabulous time dancing and singing to the 80s Rock cover band!  I also may or may not have played Jaclyn and my song I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston and the entire place may or may not have danced and song along like our very own Lake House High School Musical!  It was fantastic!  After our fun night out we went back to the Lake House and tried to watch movies.  After the DVD failwhale (no sound) we watched My Best Friend's Wedding and agreed (for the 1000000th time) that the ending is all wrong!  Love ya Cam but Michael+Jules 4EVA

Movie Time
Chillaxing and movie watching

The next day we all went out on Jaclyn's boat.  Her dad was our fabulous captain and informed us of all the cool ins and outs of the lake.  It was great!  I love hearing about where things used to be, who used to live there, who used to play at the local lounges and clubs (Hello Mr. Frank Sinatra), and all the cool history that only locals know.


Jaclyn cleaning the boat like a princess

Jessica was the Queen of the World

Sunglass Models

Julie and me 

Back of the boat...JK we're just pale and keeping ourselves sunburn free



Our boat ride tour ended with lunch on the lake.  Her dad docked the boat right near the restaurant!  How cool is that?!  Lunch was amazing and so beautiful!  

A million thanks to Jaclyn and her family for hosting us!  We had a blast!  Good friends+Lake fun=a fabulous weekend in my book!

**I think it should be noted that there was a giant boa constrictor on the loose at the lake this weekend and we all survived!  I was also voted least outdoorsy...if anyone had any doubts**

Dear Jaclyn's Boat,

Thank you for driving us all around the Lake, we had the best time!
Thank you for being the best vehicle to transport 6 best friends.
Thank you for the laughs you brought to our stressed out selves.
A huge gracias to the awning on the back of the boat to shield us pale people from the sun.
Merci for the gorgeous suntan I now have because the sunlight glistened off the lake like diamonds.
I love the way you made us laugh at the cute little duck that kept ducking into the water.
I love that 6 busy girls were able to take time out of our schedules to play and laugh and relax.
You made this very stressed out Type-A looney tune remember that it doesn't matter what state your career is in--as long as you have friends that love you and make you smile that you are doing just fine.
I love that for a brief moment in time we were all able to relish in being intelligent, accomplished, and happy ladies.
It was a blissful weekend and we owe it all to you.
Even though I am not of the outdoorsy breed, I enjoyed sitting in the summer breeze.

