Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Five People I Want To Have Dinner With

Hey Bloggies!

How was your weekend?  Mine was bueno because I spent it at the Lake with my SPED girls.  More on that tomorrow!  Today's link up is the 5 people I would want to have dinner with.  They can be dead or alive so here goes:

1.) Jacqueline Kennedy.  Hands down, no contest.  I love her and have done so much research on her that I would sit in awe of her presence.  I would also just love to wonder what she would wear, what/where we would eat, all of it!  I just want to know!  She is flawless!  She is an iconic figure of grace, style, intellect, and beauty.


2.) Dolly Parton.  She's just so darn cute!  I love how fun and fearless she is.  She the original blonde country diva and I love her.  Her songs are so inspirational and just feel good jams!


3.) Eleanor Roosevelt!  I wrote my college entrance essays on her.  She was a tough lady and I would love to pick her brain about her personal and professional triumphs.  She was a feminist before it was cool.


4.) Chris Evans-I mostly want to look at him, BUT in a huge bonus--he's actually incredibly bright and funny and I'd love to pick his brain because he sounds so normal.


5.) My Grandfather-I never met him and I wish that I could have.  He was a Captain and a pilot in the U.S.A.F. and I would love to ask him about his missions and life.

These are my 5, who are yours??



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