Thursday, April 7, 2016

Candy and Quinoa blog name?  These two words pretty much describe my diet to a T.  Half of me wants healthy goodness and the other half is like OMG GIVE ME ALL THE CHOCOLATE!

Anyway, I had to share this little story with y'all.  It's one of those classic stories that makes you laugh a leeeetle too hard and might not be funny if you weren't there, but I'll give it a try anyway.

So yesterday, after another full day of IEP writing, I went home and decided to get some cooking done before heading to the gym for spinning and weights.  Deb made daaaaalish Morocan chicken and I decided to make a quinoa tomato and corn salad as a side.  **Note to self: You actually have to have corn to make the quinoa tomato corn salad**  So it became a tomato and quinoa salad instead.

So I go to the cabinet where I usually keep the quinoa and since it's on a higher shelf I began reaching around for it and what did I find?

Plus the 4 that I ate...

My pre-Lent candy stash!  I started laughing right away.  I was searching for quinoa...trying to be healthy and all and I found some Ghiradelli's carmel and dark chocolate sea salt caramels!  Needless to say I ate 2 of the squares immediately.  This whole no sugar until the race is over thing is going seamlessly if you were wondering :)

I instantly remembered when Amanda and I bought them in Target after Valentine's Day.  The entire box (she took half and I took half) cost us $1!!  What a deal!

One of my friends told me they were Manna from God.  I couldn't agree more!  Doesn't this have sweet serindipity written all over it?

I ate two more today after my run and now they're coming to work with me.  I cannot have them here or I'll eat them all up.

I felt that it was okay to snack on them because I knew that spin was going to be a crazy event as it always is.  Thank you Carrie for kicking my chocolate loving butt.  It was a mix of 10 sprints (!) and some mountains.  She calls them hills, but they're Mt. Everest mountains.

I hope you enjoyed that little tidbit of random fun!

Happy Thursday!  One more day until the weekend!  We can do it :)

Also, shout out to my lovely friend Jaclyn!  It's her birthday today!  Welcome to 25!  Can't wait to celebrate with you tonight Princess!

This picture is us in a nutshell.  Pink, pearls, and big sunnies!

Love you girl!



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