Happy Friday!
How is everyone?! Is it just me or has this week been the Mondayest week of all time? I think it's a combination of the super hot weather and the awful rain/wind/floods. Gross. Gross. Gross.
In traditional Friday Fashion, I'm going to list off my new faves!
1.) Notorious O.M.G. If you were a fan of Covert Affairs you will LOVE this! I love Piper Perabo and I think she's brilliant! The show is part television producer ruling the world/legal drama. All parts perfect! Thursdays at 9, y'all!
2.) Erin Oprea's book The 4 X 4 Diet
If she trains Carrie Underwood, then she's good enough for me! The book is a great combo of fitness, lifestyle, and food. The book reads like a casual conversation with an amazing trainer friend. The book is chock full of recipes and tabatas for all fitness levels. Erin then goes into the science behind all of her finds, ideas, and recipes.
3.) Girl on the Train hype! Is anyone else as excited as me about the release of this movie?! Currently I'm in a Facebook chat entitled Girl on the Train Groupies! I loved this book and read it in 2 days. 2. DAYS! It usually takes me a while to read a book because I'll get sleepy or caught up in work, but this kept me riveted from start to finish. I think Emily Blunt will kill it! Also, Justin Theroux is yummy so I want to see him.
4.) PT is ovahhhh! I loved PT and I had a great experience at Strive PT in Moorestown. If anyone needs a PT, get there ASAP! I worked with Abby and she was amazing. I cannot thank them enough for all of their hard work. I think she really took all of my goals and made them come true. She was fabulous and I cannot say enough good things about my time there, but I'm happy to be back to my usual self.
5.) Return of Running! I can run again and it feels amazing! I ran 6 miles on Sunday and 5 miles on Tuesday with little pain! I had the biggest and goofiest grin on my face the entire time I was running. I probably looked insane to those spectating my run, but I don't care! I loved it :) It feels good to be back. This past month was hell for me, with not being able to run, and the whole mental game, so this was an amazing experience!
5.) Calia!! I can't believe that I've gone a year and half without these workout clothes in my life! In the past week I've ordered 3 pieces.
All can be found here
They're so comfy and perfect for transitioning from summer to fall and from the gym to brunch :)
6.) Brantley Gilbert's new CD is coming soon! I heard his new song The Weekend and then the DJ said that the CD is coming out in November! I can't wait!! He's one of my favorite singers and songwriters. No one writes a love song quite like him.
7.) Carrie Underwood's Calia commercial! So inspirational and it definitely gives me all the feels. It's the only commercial I watch lol
I'm off to work with a new trainer (He's trying to kill me. He texted me that. I. CANT. WAIT.)
After that, (If I'm still walking) I'll be grabbing din din with Kate! Can't wait to see her after the wedding and her minimoon! I can't wait to hear all about it :)
Enjoy your weekend! I have a 5k on Sunday, and dinners with Cait on Sunday and Saturday! There may or may not be some Melting Pot in my future...
Serindipity: "a nice sounding word for what it means: a fortunate accident" (Serendipity, 2001). This is the home of an extremely Type A future special education teacher, dancer, Philly lover, and car dancing expert who has found herself in some of the best situations because of serindipity.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Friday, September 23, 2016
Kate & Bill's Rehearsal
Hi All!
Today I'm enjoying a glam day because IT'S KATE AND BILL'S WEDDING DAY! All of us girls are hanging at the salon getting our hair and makeup done while drinking mimosas!
But let's backtrack a few days, shall we.
After work on Wednesday I drove up to St. Anthony's Cathedral in Trenton for the rehearsal. Usually it takes me 45 minutes in rush hour traffic to get to that area, but this time? 27 minutes!! Such a record! That's NEVER happened to me before. I got their at 5...the rehearsal started at 5:30. I even backed into the spot.
Kate and Bill arrived shortly after I did and we all went into the church to hang out before the rest of the party got there.
The rehearsal went off without a hitch. We practiced walking in and sitting and standing...all the essentials ☺️
It was crazy seeing Kate walk down the aisle with her dad. It's strange that she's getting really married...like not 8th grade married...real married!
After the rehearsal, we went to Gennaro's in Hamilton for dinner. It was amazing!
Posing with Dev, Kate's uncle...and wine. It's a shame they don't make wine bottles that serve more than one person, strange.
For dinner we had chicken Marsala, chicken parm, veggies, cheese/meat board, salad, and bread. Daaaalish!
Then it came time for for the toasts. Kate and Bill made beautiful toasts to everyone and thanked all of us for coming. It's so special to be around so much love and happiness. Bill said it best when he said how cool it will be to look around the church on Friday and see all of your favorite and most loved people all in one place.
Next came the presents.
Kate gave us all Vera Bradley bags in our signature color. Guess who got pink? In our bags we got a bottle of wine, a wine tumbler that is spill proof (genius), and a customized beach towel with our monogram on it! We also were gifted our earrings to wear with our dresses.
Dinner concluded with a trip to Halo Pub.
Halo ice cream tastes like college to me. It's a TCNJ staple.
I'll be back on Monday to recap the wedding and the other weekend festivities!
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Fall Fashion Finds
How are y'all doing? Are you enjoying this beautiful NJ summer, I mean fall, right? It's 90 degrees! This week will be in the high 80's! What. The. Heck!?
I've been taking a lot of Boot Camp classes at my gym lately because of the ankle, and I'm kinda loving them! Usually I steer clear of the Boot Camp style classes in favor of my own workouts, but lately I've been loving the change. I'm looking at you sandbag pushes and battle ropes! Also, with all of the after school festivities in September, I need to get in a quick workout, so 5:30 boot camp has my name on it.
Today I'm going to hit you with my Fall Fashion Faves!
This past weekend I set out to find some new shoes for Kate's rehearsal and I wound up finding these instead. Not too upset about the shoe switcheroo.
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THIS JACKET! I want a green army jacket to wear in NOLA! I think it's the perfect fall jacket and I want it so bad! It's a great neutral, goes with everything, and I can add a scarf to dress it up.
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I've been obsessed with Carrie Underwood's Calia line for a while now, even though I ordered my first pieces this week. It's kind of a pricey line, but some sales were found and thus I have 2 new pieces en route to my casa.
I'm officially in love with this tank. The only problem? I don't know which color to choose! It comes in white, black, and this fuchsia color. I love the white, but I don't know if I can give up my signature pink! I think it'll be cute with ankle booties (see above, wink, wink) and jeans, or with sneaks, a hat, and leggins.
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Enjoy the day! Hopefully we'll be back in the normal fall weather soon! This girl wants to bake some pumpkin goodies!
fall fashion,
Monday, September 19, 2016
Weekend Recap
Happy Oxymoron Day!
How was everyone's weekend? Mine was crazy busy/sleep deprived/sugar fueled. So that should answer all questions about the detox, huh? Tomorrow will be better :)
Friday night I babysat...I came *this close* to falling asleep on their couch.
Saturday started as it usually does, GYM TIME! Dylan and Deb showed up for my last Total Body Blast class...little bro said his legs are sore today :) Muahahaha that's music to my ears.
After the gym, I got my hairs cut. Then, I had some last minute shopping for Kate's wedding to do. I also picked up some Tom's ankle booties...because you know, bridesmaids need gifts, too.
Whole Foods came to the dinner rescue. WF has a $2 off salad coupon on their app! Get. It.
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Kind of a random salad: beets, turkey, kale, super grains, and antioxidant salad. Word to the wise...don't mix these all together. It tastes gross. Sometimes I get a little too excited when I go to WF and want to try allthethings. Usually this works in my favor, but sometimes allthethings don't taste so good mixed together. Delish on their own, but not together. Lesson learned.
Sunday began with an early morning circuit workout. I was supposed to be running The Rock N Roll half today, but the ankle is still not ready, so Plan B was taken.

Sunday afternoon, Deb and I got our nails done for Kate's wedding. I went with OPI's Russian Navy.
Then, my 6th favorite day of the year was finally upon us! VALENZANO WINE FEST!
Cait, her mom, Deb, and I went to the wine fest for the second year...we're totally making this an annual thing :)
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After trying all the wine at the fest (because we're champs like that) we wandered around and then sampled some grapes.
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They were delicious!
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Valenzano does a great job with this fest. They invite about 8 wineries to come and exhibit their wines. It's a $20 entrance fee and then you can sample all the wines you want. One of my friends joked that it is like the Samples Olympics for me. He is right! They also have food trucks, bands, crafts, vendors, a beer garden, and activities for the kids to enjoy. It's such a fun way to spend the afternoon and kick off fall.
Cait and I then went to Menchie's for froyo. I rolled with a mix of peanut butter, chocolate, cake batter, and cookies and cream froyo (a much better mix than my WF salad debacle) topped with Oreos, Reese's Cups, cookie dough, mini M&Ms, a tiny bit of chocolate sauce, marshmallow, and peanut butter.
When I came home from Menchie's I needed a nap! #oldladystatus When I woke up I craved healthy healthy healthy food. I had a piece of homemade healthy turkey meatloaf with steamed veggies. Instantly I felt better. It's amazing how that happens, isn't it? After you eat junk food you begin craving the good stuff.
I hope everyone had a great weekend! To my friends who raced this weekend, I'm so happy for you and excited for you and your accomplishment!
This is Kate's wedding week and I can't wait to share the day with her!
weekend recap,
wine tasting
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Friday Favorites
It's the Freakin' Weekend...I'm about to have me some fun!
Happy FriYAY! I don't know about you, but I definitely feel like I earned this weekend. I can't believe that in one week one of my best friends will be getting married! Grown up married, not like 5th grade married! Crazy! So excited for her! I know this will be an awesome week full of fun and festivities.
This past week was a struggle. I have been to PT for a week now and I am feeling a lot better. I know it's a long road ahead, but slowly and surely I'm getting used to my new normal. Adapt or die, ammiright? I've been using kinesiology tape and I'm loving it now. Maybe it's all mental, but I really think it's helping! One of my students told me I looked like an Olympian. Someone clearly wants an A...My PT said I can do light interval running aka 1 min walk/1 min light jog. Hey, it's a far cry from 1/2 marathons, but I'll take it :) Sunday morning I'm going to start my day with a little run/jog/walk.
Does anyone have anything fun going on this weekend? I'm babysitting tonight and tomorrow I teach my last Total Body Blast class for the year. This has truly been one of my favorite summers because of this class. It was kind of a dream I didn't know I had. I'm definitely getting certified this fall so I can hopefully have my own class soon. Sunday I *maybe* have a breakfast date with Amanda for acai bowls. Deb and I then have manis for Kate's wedding. Then, Cait, her mom, Deb, and I are going to Valenzano Winery for their annual wine fest. I love this! I think this is my 6th favorite day.
If you're wondering my favorite days go as follows:
1.) Thanksgiving
2.) Christmas Eve
3.) Souper Bowl Day at school
4.) Cookie Tray Day at school
5.) Cole Swindell Concerts
6.) Valentano Wine Fest
7.) My birthday
8.) Halloween
9.) Fourth of July
10.) Valentine's Day
Speaking of Favorites...here are my favorites from the week!
This hair cut! I'm obsessed with Carrie Underwood (duh, total girl crush!) After Kate's wedding I'm totally cutting it!
President Barbie! Every election, Barbie comes out with a President Barbie, but this time she's different! There are 2 of them! They are also multicultural. I was also blown away by Barbie's career diversity. While I was perusing the aisle at Target, I saw Barbies dressed as pediatricians, vets, scientists, and businesswomen. Win win win!

When I was in Target, some how these little babies ended up in my cart. Weird how that happens, huh? I wanted to try these puppies out. Half way through the bag, I can say they are pretty good. They remind me of the Crispy M&Ms. They're really sweet, though. They taste more graham crackery than marshmallowy.

My favorite spin instructor goes down the shore for the summer, so I'm thrilled when she comes back and I can finally take spin again. Yes, spin is still offered at my gym when she's not here, but I really only like her. So I take the summer off to focus on running, and then get back in the (spin) saddle come September.
I was supposed to have a half on Sunday, but I obviously have to pull out of it. I'm really upset about it, but I know that I'll get better and be able to run again soon enough. To all my friends running on Sunday, best of luck!
What are you loving this week??
Love Love Love,
Friday Favorites,
Monday, September 12, 2016
Hey Friends!
Happy Tuesday! It's my first full week back at work and OMG am I tired!! Also, what's everyone doing on Monday and Tuesday nights now that Bachelor In Paradise is over? So. Much. Free. Time.
Today started at 4 am because I taught a HIIT class at the gym. I love these classes because eneyone is working hard and game for anything you throw at them. I'm also super motivated to go extra hard because everyone there only has 1 hour to work out so I better make it count and worth the early wake up time.
Ok, so on to the injury. About 6 weeks ago, right about the time I got back from Miami, my left foot was swollen really bad. I figured it was just from the salty un-Erin food and travel. My doctor thought the same thing. She said that in a few days the sweeping would go down and all would be Bueno. Well in a few days the swelling did go down, but I still had a lot of pressure in my ankle. I figured it was just sore from the swelling. Then I started noticing that my running speed was slowing a LOT. Like 30 extra seconds on a mile slow. My ankle then started to hurt when I ran until it became impossible to run. I began dreading my runs because I knew it wouldn't be a fast run and more importantly it was going to be painful. So I went to the doctors again and she said I had Achilles tendinitis and prescribed PT. AND NO RUNNING. my heart sunk. I knew I wouldn't be able to compete in the Rock N' Roll half marathon at the end of the month. I was/am devastated. I've been training for months and just wanted to feel the rush that only a race can give you. I still haven't accepted the reality of the situation.
I started PT on Friday afternoon. It was really fun and my therapist is awesome. I still have to hold off on running for a little while, but I am experiencing a lot less pain and more mobility in my Achilles.
How have my workouts changed:
-no running
-rest days
-modified barre classes
-elliptical running
I'm not going to lie, I miss running all the time. I notice a huge difference in my mood and my weight. My body doesn't feel as tight as it used to. It's a lot flabbier and that really weighs on me. No pun intended. When you're used to doing 30 miles a week, your body responds to it and looks a certain way. When you cut it way back your body doesn't know what to do. I can tell I'm gaining weight and losing muscle definition. It's also hard to reach your body that you're no longer training so you don't have to eat as much as you're used to. It's really hard to retrain your body to not be as hungry. I know it's probably only about 2-3 more weeks without running, but it definitely puts a psychological toll on you. It's hard when things don't fit and you dread shopping or putting on pants because you don't know if they're going to zip or not. While I can still elliptical, it takes a long time to reach 5 miles on the machine as opposed to 40 minutes of running 5 miles.
I'm really upset about it all and hating the negative fitness results I'm having. I feel disappointed in myself and just lethargic and honesty ugly. I know we're all supposed to be strong, unaffected by the scale/other's opinions, and free of societal pressure, but dammit it's hard! I feel bad because my injury isn't that bad and I'll be fine, and I know I'll recover and PR my next half, but for right now I'm sad.
Sorry for the pity party post, but injuries are hard. As athletes we train constantly and our bodies are our job. Sidelining injuries take not just a physical toll, but an emotional and mental one as well. To all of you out there dealing with injuries, stay strong and tough. It's only a drop in the bucket. It's only a small piece of time in the grand scheme of our fitness journey, but boy is it a sucky time!
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Weekend Update
...With Amy and Tina!
Cait and I enjoying the Orange Cake!
Heckled by William Taft
He decided to play nice...for now
Cool art on display at the stadium.
The Nationals did a ceremony to honor and remember those lost and those who served in 9/11. They had first responders, service dogs, and the USNA Mids on the field for the ceremony. It was beautiful and so special.
Even though we rally capped, we lost 3-2. Cody Asche was called up from Reading, so that was good. I'm glad he's back.
Jk, but I miss them.
How was everyone's weekend? How was back to school? It's totally the teacher in me, but I love seeing all of the kiddos back to school pictures on social media.
I can't believe it's year 3 already! Times a flying when you're having fun!
And yes I have apples on my mani!
So kitschy, but I'm obsessed.
My back to school was pretty good. Just testing the kids before we officially dove in.
This weekend was chaotic! Back to the usual fast paced Weekend Warrior lifestyle. I am so spoiled over the summer because I can go run errands anytime I want. Now if I forget something at Target I have to wait until the weekend to fit it into my schedule.
Friday started with PT. I'll get to that in tomorrow's post. Then I hit up the gym for a weights and cardio workout. After I went to Seasons 52 for the usual salad party, but they left the pumpkin seeds on it and it was just ehhhh. I like pumpkin seeds, just not on my salads.
I then baked a batch of breakfast cookies with apples instead of chocolate chips. We'll see how the sweet tooth does with that switcharoo. I then baked an organic vanilla "Orange" cake for my friend's brother's concert. I subbed coconut oil and almond milk for butter and milk respectively. I may or may not have sampled the batter and decided it was delicious. Quality control, you know? 😊
I then watched DCC Making The Team 11 (Go Amy!)!! So so so good. Then I watched the Dateline Special on JonBenet Ramsey. It was really interesting. I have to say I'm hooked on all of these shows. This crime fascinated me as a child because it was the first time I saw evil in real life. I was the same age as her and I remember thinking there are bad people in the world. Not just Disney villains, but real people can be bad.
Saturday started as it usually does, gym time followed by Sample Saturday. Afterwards, Deb and I went to our cousins' birthday party. It's always fun to see the whole family and who doesn't love a cupcake?!
Saturday night was a special treat. Cait's little brother has a band and we went to their show. They played a free concert in her backyard. Everyone brought food and drinks and just hung out, danced, and enjoyed the show. His band is named Car In The Wall and they have songs on iTunes! You should check them out. They're sooooooo good!
Sunday was spent in DC watching the Phillies take on the Nationals. We said hi to Ben Revere and said Boooooooo to Jayson Werth.
Christmas at the stadium? In September ? I'll take it!
So the Nationals have a Simba Cam! How cool is that? The entire stadium breaks into the Simba pose. Parents just lift up their children like Simba while Circle Of Life plays.
So funny!
I have to give the Nats a huge hand clap for the variety of food and healthy foods they offered at the stadium. They have gluten free options, a whole salad station, and multiple vegetarian and even vegan options. I rolled with the best roasted cauliflower sandwich I ever had. I didn't photograph it because it was messsssssy! It was a bunch of roasted cauliflower and red onions in a tomato red pepper sauce on a poppy seed bun. Deeeeelish! Literally finger licking good.
My dad was excited because they had Shake Shack. Ever since the Mets game, he's become a concert.
We didn't get home until around 9 so it was lunch prep and then right to bed.
What did everyone do this weekend??
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